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Abortion, Amnioscientesis, and NTD's


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Does anyone know where I can obtain statistics of the number of pregnant women who had amnioscientesis (or ultrasound) performed and subsequently terminated their pregnancies (read: killed their babies) because they discovered that their unborn child had a [i]neural tube defect[/i]?

The subject of abortion, for me, is not only a matter of my faith, it is an intensely personal one. I have Spina Bifida, a condition which starts out in the fourth week of fetal development when the neural tube (the structure which eventually develops into the spinal cord) fails to close properly. The reason it can be detected by amnioscientesis is that the unclosed neural tube leaks CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) into the amniotic fluid. Thus, Spina Bifida, before the actual spinal cord [i]as such[/i] develops, is properly classed as a neural tube defect.

Anyway, I wonder if there were any statistics available about this matter. I'd really like to know. My life hasn't been peachy, and although I can walk, there are elements of my condition that at times I cry myself to sleep over. It's rough. But nevertheless, the tender mercies shown to me by my Lord Jesus Christ in forgiving all my sins and transforming me from a bitter, spiteful, cynical teenager who perceived the entire world as his enemy, save for family (no joke, this is how I was before Christ claimed me when I was 15) into the person I am now, at nearly 20 - a person who actually has friends who care about me, and who posesses Christ's joy, makes life worth living. I will forever bitterly contest those who are so blatantly arrogant to say that a person with a physical handicap can never enjoy 'quality of life'

Pax Christi

Edited by ICTHUS
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i really doubt that you could find those stats . . . PP is going to try to block or misrepresent any factual statistics that they can possibly hide.

Good luck and peace,
Joe :)

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I'm in the UK, so I don't know anything about the Australian stats, but over here, [url="http://http://www.studentlifenet.co.uk/Resources/factsandstats/pcdisabled.htm"]90%[/url] of babies diagnosed with Spina Bifida were aborted in 2001.

Culture of death alright.

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I have no stats for you, Icthus, but I remember with my first pregnancy being offered a test for NTD and Down's Syndrome. In our state, the doctor has to tell you about the test, but you don't have to take it. My doctor in one breath told me of the test and in the next told me not to take it. It has a REALLY high false positive rate.

It's not an amnio test though. I think it's a urine test.

I have had many friends who took the test, got false positives and worried their entire pregnancies over nothing.

During my last pregnancy, I wasn't even offered this test. I hope they dont' even do it... It's horrible. But as a consolation, I've never known anyone who aborted over this test, either.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Dec 5 2004, 08:39 PM'] But as a consolation, I've never known anyone who aborted over this test, either. [/quote]
Obviously, people do, though, as the UK stats show.

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[quote name='ICTHUS' date='Dec 5 2004, 08:53 PM'] Obviously, people do, though, as the UK stats show. [/quote]
Yes, I know... :sadder: I just meant that I personally didn't know of anyone...

I wonder if they even give this test that I'm thinking of anymore. I hope not...

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[quote name='Deeds' date='Dec 5 2004, 06:41 PM'] I'm in the UK, so I don't know anything about the Australian stats, but over here, [url="http://http://www.studentlifenet.co.uk/Resources/factsandstats/pcdisabled.htm"]90%[/url] of babies diagnosed with Spina Bifida were aborted in 2001.

Culture of death alright. [/quote]
How evil and playing God like can you get ??????? :o :angry: :(

God Bless,

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heres some sites i dont know if they will help you...i hope they will

[url="http://www.abortionfacts.com/help/other_web_resources.asp"]Abortion Facts[/url]


[url="http://www.silentscream.org/diary-flash.html"]PreBorn Baby[/url]

God Bless

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ICTHUS, you aren't going to find accurate statistics for Canada. As you may know statscan stopped recording the number of abortions performed here several years ago. Also, abortionists are not bound to keep public records of the number or reason for the abortions they perform.

Yay for unregulated serious medical procedures! (intense sarcasm)

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Try using Google to look up "Amniocentiesis and Abortion". Here's an interesting article: [url="http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1548/is_3_15/ai_62968258/pg_3"]article on amniocentesis & abortion[/url].

Of note in the article: 1 of 200 people who have amniocentesis suffer a spontaneous abortion from it. (I personally know 2 people who had this occur.)
25% more "positive" results for Downs are found than are actually found in the same at risk group, corrected for factors that screen those who have tests. This means that many false positives could cause the choice for abortion.

This should get you started. Good luck and may grace be with you. Let me know if you need more help.

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