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Football game steal - HELP!


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Is it cool that I bought a DVD copy of a football game from somebody who taped it? Is it OK further that I am ripping it to my computer for conveniece?

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

I think this falls under fair use, as long as you didn't pay a price above materials and shipping for the DVD copy. It's the same type of rights people have with TiVo.

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It was dirt cheap. Would I be responsible for buying the thing anyway? I didn't tape it or anything, somebody else did.

And would it be OK to copy the DVD and trade it with friends?

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I highly doubt that you could buy a DVD of the same game at a store or something, so technically you're not stealing anything (since there would be no equivalent to purchase). I believe that it is ok to give copies as a gift, as long as you are not charging money for it.

I'm not really the most ethical person when it comes to "aquiring" entertainment via the internet though.. ;)

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It is really rare. It's a 1935 Notre Dame-Ohio State game. "Game of the Century" it's sometimes called. It was recorded off of College Sports Television (CSTV) which you have to get via satellite or some premium cable service. It's just a recording of a really old University archived filmstrip, CSTV had nothing to do with its production (I also saw that they are not showing it anymore). I'de like to copy it for a friend as a Christmas present.

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at some point this stuff enters public domain . . . i think it's after like 75 years . . . once it does, i'm pretty sure you can copy and sell to your heart's content. Regardless, nobody's gonna fault you for spreading around a game that was played more than 20 years ago, much less on that was played 70 years ago.

i think ethically you're pretty safe in whatever you do. you won't be denying anyone any money from licensing . . . even if you were, by now they wouldn't care.

Joe :)

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Is it actually causing any harm to the millionaires who can't share their wealth with the hot dog vendors etcetera who make life bearable whilewe watch men play a game for a living?

They deserve to be stolen from.

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12/5 - Second Sunday of Advent

Notre Dame? Then it's ok - were it Boston College, I'd recommend you go to confession (not for theft, but for being a Boston College fan ;) ).

Sit back, get a beer and some pork rinds, and enjoy the game.

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I wouldn't feel comfortable giving it as a gift unless I put some effort into finding it legitimately for purchase first. If one can buy it, then don't steal it. Don't forget, somebody probably OWNS the rights to this game and had to pay for it. Since the game is so old and the desire for it isn't probably great it probably isn't for sale, but you should check first.

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I despise Boston College on a level unmatched by anyone else on this Earth. I've been to three Boston College - ND games, all losses. Including the green jersey game in 2002...

Anyway, I have looked all over for this game, and the only way you can get it is if somebody makes a copy of their own and gives it to you. That's actually how I aqcuired it, by paying another collector to copy it. It's an old university film that CSTV must have borrowed and played on their station at some point. As far as I know it was never copyrighted. It's probably just sitting in the University of Notre Dame archives somewhere.

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