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All humility aside i feel that i am a pretty hardcore catholic...more than people i know to be catholic.....my question is....do you guys think it is bad to get christian inspiration from other religions.....for example...reading from the Qur'an.......because there are beliefs that are the same.........

I have not done this....if you are wondering

just thought it would be an interesting question to throw out there..................

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How can you get Christian inspiration from reading the Qur'an? I cannot imagine anything positive coming out of reading this book other than to familiarize yourself with the teachings of Islam. Then you can share the Truth with them.

I like Phil. 4:8, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - thing about such things.

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i some what agree but also you can get christian inspiration from secular books, music, movies...whatever.....so why not other religions

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Guest Eremite

Sure you can benefit from non-Catholic sources. Truth is truth, no matter where it is found. Plato and Aristotle were pagans, and the Church used them as the foundation of its philosophy. But, you have to be careful, because the truth found in non-Christian religions is mixed with error, sometimes much error.

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Of course you can be inspired from secular works. Poetry, music, drama, opera, etc. But those Christians who are not grounded in the faith and pick up the Qur'an open themselves up to all kinds of things. The enemy is always prowling...

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Whatever truth or goodness such non-Christian religious works have in them, is already found in its fullness in the Catholic Faith (and without the admixture of falsehood). Best stick with the real thing!

No additional truths can be gained from false religions.

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i don't know. I think all truth [i]is[/i] within the Church, but i think we may be able to see it better from some non-Catholic perspectives. We get so steeped in our own culture that viewing things from a Buddhist or pre-Christian pagan perspective could very well cause us to learn truths that were previously hidden from us, though not necessarily from The Church. 'tis a case of not seeing the forest for the trees.

So yes, my advice would be to make certain you are well grounded in The Church. If you are, then, and only then, should you research other religions on your own. If you are not well-grounded, it may be possible to study other religions if you have a well-grounded guide.

Joe :)

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