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For those discerning a call to the religious life, what orders and/or communities are you looking into? I think it would be awesome to see the order/community that you feel might be where God is drawing you to!


Carmelite Order [url="http://www.heartsawake.com"]http://www.heartsawake.com[/url]

Dominican Nuns of Perpetual Rosary [url="http://www.op.org/nunsopsummit/"]http://www.op.org/nunsopsummit/[/url]

Cistercian Nuns [url="http://www.nunocist.org/"]http://www.nunocist.org/[/url]

Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia [url="http://www.nashvilledominican.org/Main.htm"]http://www.nashvilledominican.org/Main.htm[/url]

May God bless you all on your vocation journeys!

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The [url="http://www.crosier.org"]Crosiers[/url]
The [url="http://www.opwest.org"]Dominicans[/url]
The [url="http://www.benedictinemissionhouse.com"]Missionary Benedictines[/url]

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jgirl, I've had quite a bit of contact with the Franciscan Sisters of the Martyr Saint George. They hold monthly retreats at their convent in our diocese. It's such a wonderful order!! If you ever want contact information with the sisters in the La Crosse, WI diocese, let me know, and I can give you their info.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Although I've been discerning for about five years, I've only begun serious discernment this year. Here are the communities that I'm looking at:

[url="http://www.rsmofalma.org/"]Religious Sisters of Mercy, Alma[/url]

[url="http://www.nashvilledominican.org/"]Nashville Domincans[/url]
I went to go visit them in October and had an awesome time!

[url="http://joyfulhopesisters.org/ndsjh.html"]Notre Dame Sisters of Joyful Hope[/url]

[url="http://www.fsecommunity.org/"]Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist[/url]

[url="http://www.ascjusvocations.org/homepage.htm"]Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus[/url]

[url="http://www.ssfpa.org/"]Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration[/url]

[url="http://www.rc.net/lincoln/schoolsisters/"]School Sisters of Christ the King[/url]

[url="http://www.sl.edu/fscc/"]Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity[/url]

Okay that's all of them!

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12/23 - Fourth Thursday of Advent

When I was still considering the religious life, I always looked towards the [url="http://www.fathersofmercy.com/"]Fathers of Mercy[/url].

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Men's orders:

[url="http://www.institute-christ-king.org/worldwide.html"]Institute of Christ the King[/url]

[url="http://www.fssp.org/en/index.htm"]Fraternity of St. Peter[/url]

[url="http://www.unavoce.org/ferrer.htm"]Fraternity of St. Vincent Ferrer (Traditional Dominicans)[/url]

[url="http://www.canonsregular.com/"]Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem (Traditional Augustinians in St. Louis)[/url]

[url="http://www.clearcreekmonks.org/"]Traditional Benedictines (at Clear Creek, OK)[/url] [url="http://www.unavoce.org/mona36.htm"]at Fontgombault[/url] and [url="http://www.unavoce.org/mona104.htm"]Le Barroux[/url]

[url="http://www.societycantius.org/"]Society of St. John Cantius (Chicago)[/url]

There are others as well that I can't think of right now.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

SOme orders I am currently trying to get more info on...

I don't have links right now, but I can find them again and I can also clarify specifics later as well...

Dominican Clositered Nuns in Louisiana (Monestary of the Heart of Jesus)
Passionist Nuns in Kentucky (I forget the Monestary...)
Carmelites in MI (Monestary of St. Therese and Monestary of the Holy Cross)
Poor Clares in Rockford (Corpus Christi Monestary) and Belleville (Monestary of Our Lady of Mercy) IL
Visitation Nuns in PA (Monestary of the Visitation)

In all honesty, I am trying to get a taste of all sorts of Cloistered life...

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[quote]Passionist Nuns in Kentucky (I forget the Monestary...)[/quote]

oohh take a look at the Passionist Nuns in Pittsburgh, PA as well. They are an incredibly beautiful and holy bunch of Sisters. ^_^

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='daugher-of-Mary' date='Dec 30 2004, 08:49 PM']
oohh take a look at the Passionist Nuns in Pittsburgh, PA as well. They are an incredibly beautiful and holy bunch of Sisters. ^_^ [/quote]
Thanks! I was talking with mom and she thinks my descion should be based on how close the convent is to home <_< That's why I was leaning toward Kentuky... Thanks for the "tip" though!

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[url="http://www.crosier.org"]The Crosiers[/url]

[url="http://www.norbertines.org/"]The Norbertines[/url]

[url="http://www.jesuit.org"]The Jesuits[/url]

[url="http://www.gbdioc.org/pg/vocationsMain.tpl"]Green Bay Diocese Vocation Page[/url]

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