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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Dec 3 2004, 03:47 PM'] marijuana use is sinful. It is not alcohol. it is not comparable to alcohol. take a drugs and behavior course and learn about the physiological and psychological effects and the mechanisms of action.
Smoking 'a little joint' to get 'a little high' is as sinful as drinking to the point of drunkenness. You should not do it. [/quote]
no disrespect
but i gotta disagree with you
by bible terms, marijuana is a food
paul clearly states, that the one who choozes to eat should not hate the one who choozes to abstain....and the one who abstains should not condem the one who chooses to eat............

in your defense though.....paul says that if one considers someting sinful, then yes its a sin to them...........and if by me eating, causes my brother to sin, then i have sined also..........

but bottom line.....if i choose to use marijuana moderatly, then for me this is not a sin, as long as im not causeing my brother to fall......

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

[quote name='Delivery Boy' date='Dec 3 2004, 03:40 PM'] i agree with everything ur sayen
i used to just smoke blunts to get stoned to the point i was jus blazedddd
now thats a sin right there
but now if i choze to smoke, it would be a little joint and only for the purpose to attain a slight high........i would then proceed to play video games, watch a awsome movie, or listen to some awsome music.......but like i said, i dont rarely ever smoke now'a days.....but yes, i agree, pot is a very dangerous drug, becuz most of the people useing it are abuseing it and alot are letting it be a gateway drug to harder stuff that in time, is gonna destroy there lifes... [/quote]
It's like when I was under 21 I'd drink to get absolutely blitzed. I didn't do it often, but whenever I did drink, I'd never stop at just a light buzz. Nowadays I'll have a drink or two in the evening and stop at that. It helps me relax and there's nothing wrong with that. As the priest told us in his homily last Sunday, "we're not puritans." We can enjoy alcohol and tobacco as long as it doesn't become an addiction.

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Ash Wednesday


So y'all mean to tell me that if I went to Amsterdam, where pot is legal and lit up a recreational joint, I would not be sinning?


By the way, I light up in my bedroom every once in a while.........

.....some candles and incense. :cyclops:

I've never touched pot, though I have to admit it has piqued my curiousity before, but was always wary of bothering to find out. Not only because of whether or not it's a sin, but because I've always been of the impression that pot makes people stupid.

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Dec 3 2004, 06:39 PM']

I've never touched pot, though I have to admit it has piqued my curiousity before, but was always wary of bothering to find out. Not only because of whether or not it's a sin, but because I've always been of the impression that pot makes people stupid. [/quote]
and dont ever start either
i would never encourage someone to smoke pot
that is awsome you have never done it
drugs suckkk
and yes, they do make people stupid

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' date='Dec 3 2004, 03:56 PM'] no disrespect
but i gotta disagree with you
by bible terms, marijuana is a food
paul clearly states, that the one who choozes to eat should not hate the one who choozes to abstain....and the one who abstains should not condem the one who chooses to eat............

in your defense though.....paul says that if one considers someting sinful, then yes its a sin to them...........and if by me eating, causes my brother to sin, then i have sined also..........

but bottom line.....if i choose to use marijuana moderatly, then for me this is not a sin, as long as im not causeing my brother to fall...... [/quote]
Hey delivery boy i think you took that out of context although i could be wrong. I believe when paul said those things he was reffering to the Jewish law and those who abstained from certain meats and such, not nesscairly personal opinnons on alcohol or drugs or even foods. (like i said i could be mistaken but that has how i have always read that verse).

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[quote name='Crusader_4' date='Dec 3 2004, 06:50 PM'] Hey delivery boy i think you took that out of context although i could be wrong. I believe when paul said those things he was reffering to the Jewish law and those who abstained from certain meats and such, not nesscairly personal opinnons on alcohol or drugs or even foods. (like i said i could be mistaken but that has how i have always read that verse). [/quote]
ya i agree with you
but i think it can also be viewed in the contex im viewing it in also
i know to some people it prolly jus looks like a way for me to justify smokeing pot lol
but on the real, like where im comeing from
is that
God said every seed bearing plant is good and is to be used for food
so when paul talks about this, i think it can also be associated with this to
i could be wrong, but it makes sence from the perspective im looking at it from

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Romans 14:6
[color=blue]Whoever eats, eats for the Lord, since he gives thanks to God; while whoever abstains, abstains for the Lord and gives thanks to God. Why then do you judge your brother ? Or you, why do you look down on your brother ? For we shall all stand before the judgement seat of God.......[/color]

Romans 14:13
[color=blue]Then let us no longer judge one another, but rather resolve never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; still, it is unclean for someone who thinks its unclean. [/color] If your brother is being hurt by what you eat, your conduct is no longer in accordance with love. Do not because of your food destroy him for whom Christ died? So do not let your good be reviled. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the holy spirt.

I think that verse speaks loudly
since alot'a people who do abuse this privlege, end up hurting alota people in the process........

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worst example of taking a biblical passage out of context and twisting it to justify sin.
Romans 14 was for the benefit of Christians raised under Mosaic Law, which prohibits certain foods. He was addressing specifically the practice of some Christians to adhere to the dietary laws of the Jews, even though they had been released from this by Jesus. He cautions other Christians to not look down on these scrupulous people, nor for the scrupulous to get a big head and look down on the relaxed dieters.
"I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; still, it is unclean for someone who thinks its unclean." This verse affirms that no food is a source of 'moral contamination' and its only relevance to this discussion is to make the point that while marijuana plants are not evil, the use of their intoxicating properties to get high is.

How you relate this to food is beyond me. It's different.

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God said
every seed bearing plant is good, and I give to you to be used as food
thats how i get that..................

dude get over it
if pot was legal
it is not a sin for someone to use it in moderation
i dont see wut the big deal is

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im not takeing that verse out of contex
first off, God said that any seed bearing plant is good and to be used as food
so that means its favorable in his eyes
GOD is the same yesterday and today
and paul says
If im in CHRIST JESUS and i choose to smoke a joint iN moderation
that is ok.......Becuz Im in Christ Jesus...............
i mean come on, i hate drugs
and i would never encourage anyone to use them
but to condem someone and say they are sinning becuz they choze to use something God created and has favor on in moderation................. is wrong

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read revelations
wut do you think the plant that grows is
its a plant to be used as medicine
wut do you think that is ?????
why does God call himself "the most high "

its so stupid when people start judgeing people, and saying its sin to use something that God created and said was good

if you dont use it fine, but dont condem someone else and say they are sinning.....thats wrong

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Dec 3 2004, 10:39 PM']

How you relate this to food is beyond me.  It's different. [/quote]
becuz God said any seed bearing plant is good, and is to be used as a food

i mean come on peope
its freaken marijuana
like ive said
im not encourgeing anyone to go smoke it
thats not my intent
but think about it
way back in the day, people smoked pot all the time...its not a big deal, anyone who has smoken pot can tell you its not a big deal...........pot is not near as bad liquer.....shoot, when i drink a 12 pack, i wanna go to the club and find gurls to dance with and that sort of junk...........when i smoke a joint, i wanna sit at home and jus chill...................so again, im not sayen go smoke pot, but at the same time, dont condem people that do......thats not right

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' date='Dec 4 2004, 03:33 AM'] dude
God said
every seed bearing plant is good, and I give to you to be used as food
thats how i get that..................

dude get over it
if pot was legal
it is not a sin for someone to use it in moderation
i dont see wut the big deal is [/quote]
By that same logic, hemlock and poison ivy are good. Maybe they're good in their own ways, as a way to serve the ecosystem and keep things in balance in nature. That doesn't mean that they're good for human consumption...

Would the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden be a seed bearing plant? (fruits have seeds in them, so I would say yes) Did God tell Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge since all seed bearing plants are good?

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