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Lil Red

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Dec 7 2004, 04:16 PM'] I find it funny that in my Bible this part of Chapter 14 is called "Consideration for the Weak Conscience."

I'm not interested in a Bible fight. [/quote]
well then dont make me try to sound stupid
when im backing wut i say with the word

and ya
that is addressed to you....."consideration for the weak conscience"
you have a weak conscience, your quick to condemn something you used to do, something i can prove scripturely that is not nesserialy sin in Gods eyes, something that I try to do with humility, until I become somewhat riled up becuz of the self rightous and pridefull attitude you display to conviegh your views.........

thats why I have consideration for you and bear a big :D
its cool brother, tell me im gonna go to hell becuz "I dont condemn something I approve " tell me im sinning becuz I choze not to condemn someone who choozes to eat a plant that bears seeds, that God said was good.........its cool......
Again I have consideration......

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Don John of Austria

[quote]That would be wine, not 100 proof rum. Is 100 proof rum inherently sinful?[/quote]

actually NO it's alcohol even EverClear, Wine specificly red wine has other benifical substances in addition to the alcohol which make it even better for you than just alcohol but ALL alcohol in moderation is benefical for your health.

Andas I said amrijuanaa as Chromosonal effectsa nd tabacco doesn't.

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Don John of Austria

[quote]When giving the THC to the father, what effect does it have on conception or on the process of pregnancy?

When we treated the males with cannabinoids, some of them had significant problems in making the females pregnant.

And if those animals did make a pregnancy, many of the pups died as fetuses before the pregnancy went full term. In pups that survived birth, there was a significant increase in the number who died before they could eat on their own.

Once the THC-treated males impregnated the untreated females, the females had more difficulty maintaining the pregnancy and raising those pups to adulthood. We presume that the THC caused some defect in the father’s sperm, since that was the only way that these pups were exposed.

When we looked at the sons that did survive and grow up, they were as there fathers had been - less fertile and producing more losses in pregnancies which did occur. When we looked at chromosomes in the testes of both fathers and sons, we found abnormal chromosomes and birth defects in the third generation.

You are convinced that marijuana had an effect on testes and the production on male sperm which brings about abnormal chromosome development?

Yes, we certainly have evidence that the chromosomes are no longer normal, that there is a higher frequency of clumping of chromosomes so that when the cell divides, two equal cells are not produced. We know that in some condition in humans and in animals this is associated with severe defects, such as mongolism, in which an extra chromosome is present. I’m not saying that mongolism is related to marijuana use, but it is certainly known that if the chromosomes are not splitting properly, you get severe consequences. We know that in the testes of treated mice and of their untreated sons we are getting abnormalities.

What are the effects on the third generation?

I’m not going to say at this point that we have any kind of conclusive evidence of this, but we are speculating - based on the evidence - that there is some mutagenic effect - a change in genetic structure and sperm which is capable of being transmitted from generation to generations.

There are some other possibilities, such as the sons have an endocrine abnormality, which then affects their sperm. This is not genetic, but the interpretation is almost as serious either way. There is a transmissible defect which affects another generation, either directly (genetically) or indirectly (through endocrine hormonal imbalance).

You are convinced, then, that as far as your experimentation is concerned, marijuana does have a perceptible negative effect on pregnancy, from the standpoint of both the mother and father?

Yes. I think it is very clear that many drugs, marijuana included, can affect pregnancy. I think what is very important is that we’ve shown a reasonable amount of evidence to urge strongly that the father’s input be considered in terms of drug exposure. It may be that the consequences of the father’s drug involvement are even more serious than those of the mother’s.

What about applying these conclusions to humans?

Some of the research that we’ve already done in mice , some of the effects of marijuana on adult hormone levels, were actually found first in human users ten years ago. We know that some of the things that we find in mice have been found consistently in human users.


That study can be found here.


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[quote name='jasJis' date='Dec 6 2004, 09:35 PM'] D Boy,
You aren't being taken wrong. It's frustrating to you because you are finding out you can't have your cake and eat it too.

God does not say "don't go too far, you'll go over the cliff", He says, "Come and stay up here with me." That doesn't mean you can dance at the edge of the cliff and say "see, I'm up here with You and can see over the cliff like I want to as well". Walk away from the edge. That is what self sacrifice is about. Some actions are okay, some are better, and still others are best. Just as there are minor sins and major (mortal) sins.

My Brother. I pray you will choose to no longer dare fate so you can dance at the edge. [/quote]
hey man
much respect
i resepct everything you said
God bless

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