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When did Christ know He was God?


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That question was asked in the Q & A section, and the following response was given by Pio Nono:

11/14 - Thirty-third Sunday


I'll quote from a previous post of mine:

There are usually two lines of defense here which the Church utilizes.

1.) Christ knew who He was and what He was to do at all times of His existence, "from eternity to eternity." He knew that He was to be crucified and was to rise from the dead for the salvation of mankind. But...

2.) He voluntarily clouded His own vision of what was to become of Him in this life, following instead the constant revelation of what He was to do (at any given moment) from the Father. As a result, He knew what was to happen in His divinity, but in His humanity ("he became one of us in all things except sin") He did not allow Himself to know what was to become of Him.


Either Pio Nono or someone else. Where can this be verified? It sounds highly suspect. To say that Christ could removed his knowledge makes it seem as though He would need Faith, which is not existent in Heaven. Christ could never have Faith as we do, since He is omniscient. Since He is omniscient, how could He ever at any point either in His Human lifetime or in Heaven not know something? Is that not a contradiction in terms?


Edited by CatholicCrusader
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As God, Jesus's divine nature made the trees, but his human nature still had to learn to trim and nail them carefully to be a good carpenter.

Not everything was shared between His human and divine natures.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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interesting, i've had the same question, and this one as well...

will the antichrist know that he's the antichrist early on in life? will it be revealed to him? if so, when and how?

makes the ol' wheels churn a bit eh?

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[quote name='mulls' date='Nov 27 2004, 01:34 AM'] but like when he's 3 does he know he's a little devil child?

that's my question, when does he realize and how? [/quote]
Gee, mulls... didn't you see "The Omen"?

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[quote name='mulls' date='Nov 27 2004, 03:34 AM'] but like when he's 3 does he know he's a little devil child?

that's my question, when does he realize and how? [/quote]
I doubt if anyone really knows except God and he's not telling.

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I think that Jesus always knew he was God, but what that means and what powers and responsibilities he had grew over time as his human intellect grew.

For example, since Jesus was fully human, as a child he might have recognized himself as being a boy like Joseph, but as he grew in human intellect he learned to what it means to be a man, a son, a brother, etc. Jesus could know he was God, but not understood it fully, but since he was God, his Divine Nature would allow him to not abuse his powers just as children who grow up in a loving home don't sneak off to run away or murder their parents, Jesus was obedient and respectful to His parents on Earth because this was the Natural way of things.

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[url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08675a.htm"][b]this article[/b][/url] address the issue rather comprehensively. i urge everyone to read it

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[quote name='mulls' date='Nov 27 2004, 01:56 AM'] and that's why it's fun to think about.

nah, surprisingly, i've never seen 'the omen.' but now i want to. [/quote]
Let God know the things that He has reserved for Himself.

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