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A Stunning Revelation!

Paladin D

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Guys, I'm about to scream like I got stabbed in the nuts...

To put in a short list...

1) My dad was baptized in the Catholic Church, therefore...HE'S A FALL AWAY CATHOLIC!

2) My mom was baptized in the Catholic Church, therefore...SHE'S A FALL AWAY CATHOLIC TOO!

3) My older brother was baptized in the Catholic, therefore...HE'S A FALL AWAY CATHOLIC ALSO!

4) Last but not least...I WAS BAPTIZED BY A CATHOLIC PRIEST ALSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Guys, this is both good and bad news for me. The first 3 points are good in a sense, that they are Catholic, but the bad thing is...they are so ignorant and fallen away!!!

My mom said, when I was in the hospital in intense care, a Catholic Priest (which my mom called for) baptized me with water and such. However, she said that the Priest said "This doesn't count, so you'll have to get it done at the Church", which she didn't understand. Niether do I.

So...am I Catholic or not? I haven't recieved Confirmation or anything. :(

Btw, my younger brother wasn't baptized in the Catholic Church, so he ain't Catholic :( .

On a side note, I had a very nice dialoge with my mother, and got somewhere. No fighting or anything! But this is her dilemia...

She believes, that the most important thing for everyone to believe, is to believe Jesus is our Savior.

She is proud of being a Catholic, however, she believes (by God speaking to her and giving her visions), that God wanted her to go to other denominations and preach. Yet what I don't understand is... "preach what"? Since there are many views. The three things I talked to her about, was the Bible (about how Martin Luther took 7 out and all), about the Eucharist, and Unity.

I'll have to make a seperate post, about that later though.

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Another thing.

I knew my parents were fallen away Catholics, I just didn't know my older bro was baptized in the Church, niether was I baptized by a priest!

And also, my mom said she has no problem with me being a Catholic. :o She just doesn't want me to become a religious pharisee (as in, not having a relationship with God, like through prayer and all), and to not hate those who aren't Catholic.


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You were baptized . . . and you are baptized! Yeah! However they will probably do a "conditional" baptism for you again since they probably don't have a record of your baptism . . . a conditional baptism is done in case the first one wasn't valid (like it was done wrong, or something).

But the short of it is!! You are truly Catholic! and just need to go to a Church and talk to a priest about getting it all done official like . . .

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ur baptized so u already are Catholic right? But being Catholic also means to be dedicated just because you go to church doesn't make u Christian just as chillen in a garage doesn't make u a car! (I had to add that, relevent or not)

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  musturde said:
ur baptized so u already are Catholic right? But being Catholic also means to be dedicated just because you go to church doesn't make u Christian just as chillen in a garage doesn't make u a car! (I had to add that, relevent or not)


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Thats really amesome news Paladin, with more prayer and good discussions like this with your Mother maybe your family will one day join you in returning to the Church! :)

With the Baptism you had as an infant, I don't think that "it doesn't count" was accurate, it was probably a conditional Baptism so that just in case anything happened and you died before you got the "official" Baptism you'd still be Baptized. So, when you (re-)enter the Church they will perform another conditional Baptism in case the first one didn't count, as Blazer said. :)

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Thanks guys!!! :D

Man I'm so excited! And of course I will be deticated, I have been even before I knew!!! :D

Btw, I also just talked with my mom some more. Man, little by little...I believe she's seeing more of the Truth now! She said that how the Anti-Christ would sit at the Vatican, and I said that wasn't true.

But since it is late, I didn't get into detail, and put it in a "what if" perspective. What I said was "Ok, let's say *what if* the Anti-Christ becomes Pope. That'll be hard to do anyway, since he will need to be appointed by the Council. But if he does pass that, and decides to show his true face, he will still have trouble. Since the Pope is only infallible when he speaks of doctrine and morals of the Church already teaches, and also through the magnistrium. So if he strayed from that, they would question him."

That got her thinking. Because she didn't want to be part of ANY CHURCH, if the Anti-Christ did become Pope. :lol:

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I also urge you to go through with confirmation (RCIA of other). It truly was the greatest experience of my life. I know that you will never regret the public statement of your faith in Christ and your love for His Church.

congrats, and peace...

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I will PedroX, I will. :D

Btw, my older bro has had an even more spark of interest in the Catholic Church, by just finding out he was baptized in it. :D

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  Paladin D said:


That is so fantastic!

We always knew that you were our Brother in Christ, but truly, truly our brother!!!! What splendid news!

Oh, the graces of the Sacrament of Baptism! Surely you did receive it validly...

But the Church will need to give you a "conditional" baptism, just so that they have a record of you being baptized, if nothing else. And yes, I agree with PedroX, you will probably need some instruction, but my guess is: You will be at the head of the class!!!!!! After all, you've been instructed at PhatMass, the greatest Catholic message board on the internet!

Oh, and I really find it highly improbable that a true Pope, validly elected, could be the anti-Christ, because Jesus Himself promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church. Having the anti-Christ sitting in the Chair of Peter would be cutting it awfully close to having the gates of hell prevail, me thinks.....

So, from a Scriptural standpoint, I don't it's possible for a valid Pope of Christ's Catholic Church to be an anti-Christ.

In fact, I think the anti-Christ would be very popular and would oppose the Pope. It'll be real unpopular to be Catholic in those times..... It's hard enough now, isn't it? With all the misinformation, etc.....

Well, anyway, I am just SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you!!!

What if you talk with a priest, and he says that you can receive your First Holy Communion very soon? Wouldn't that be great?!

This is the happiest news!

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Yeah seriously, Anna--I'm going on my 3rd week of RCIA, and I feel like I came in with a good education because of the Pham's house. ^_^

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That is terrific news, Paladin.

As you learn more, keep these lessons to heart. It's important. In the Sacraments, we experience real spiritual benefits through physical acts. It is God speaking to us in our language. You, your brother, and your parents recieved Graces. You recieved them despite your faith, or willingness to use them. But grace moved you, and your family. It urges, but doesn't force. That is why you've been visiting us.

Keep in mind that you also have to respect and honor your parents. You must try to work out a way to follow God's call to Him, AND honor your parents. It seems God is working grace through you, to urge your parents and brother to Him.

One of the things I discovered as I learned more about Christianity, is it seems that Grace is always associated with the word AND. It helps you AND is meant for you to help someone else. It is given regardless of the strength of your faith AND is strengthens your faith.

I am awed by God's graciousness in your life. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Via con Dios!


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That's GREAT Paladin!!!

Here are a few pages that you might want to print out for your mom to read...





God Bless, Your Servant in Christ,


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