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[quote name='SirMyztiq' date='Nov 30 2004, 02:41 AM'] Actually I heard this from an actual preacher!

Now I don't know about you but I think she knows her stuff...being a preacher and all.

The Bible was put together by a king-whos name I'll ask-and some of his people when the pagans and the Christians were heavily divided. When he did so many of the pagan symbolism became part of the Christian symbolism and the Bible was able to bring the two together. Christmas was created in order to attract-or distract-pagans from their festivals.

MANY books were burned. I didn't say all.

Recent archeological evidence huh...

Funny how some you believe and some you don't.

Archeological evidence shows dinosaurs much older than 1000 years old.
It shows that the continents were once one clump of land.
It shows proof of evolution from cell.
It shows proof of how the moon came to be.

And the list goes on... [/quote]
More nonsense . . .

You heard it from "some preacher."
So what? I'm a Catholic. I don't beleive anything "some preacher" says. Preachers can say all kinds of crazy stuff.

I've got history to back me up. I can get sources later if you like (too busy now.) Or ask Ironmonk, he could give you more sources of evidence than you can shake a stick at.

You've still given no evidence.

Dinosaurs and the like have nothing to do with my post. Stick to the subject.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote]Actually alot of those books were also burned. Who knows what other stuff the Church tried to hide.[/quote]

Which books specifically did the Church burn?
Which books specifically did the Church 'hide'?

I have a library, every book within is written either by me or by those who represent me, therefore, they are mine. My possession, my ownership, my copyright, my everlasting patent. You have no legal or sentimental right to them.

Who are you to tell me which I keep and which I give to you?

Such arrogance.

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[quote name='SirMyztiq' date='Nov 30 2004, 02:41 AM']
The Bible was put together by a king-whos name I'll ask-and some of his people when the pagans and the Christians were heavily divided. When he did so many of the pagan symbolism became part of the Christian symbolism and the Bible was able to bring the two together. Christmas was created in order to attract-or distract-pagans from their festivals.

Did King Who's Name I'll Ask rule the Whatever People in the Land of Wherever?
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

"Better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and let the world know you are a fool."

In 393, the bishops of Africa held a synod in Hippo Regius which drew up the complete canon of books in the Bible. Pope Innocent gave this confirmation of this list in 403. Later this list would be officially codified.

However, the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John had been accepted by the Church since the first century, when they were written.

In the 4th century, heretical "gnostic gospels" appeared, promoted by heretical gnostic sects, and these never officially recognized by the Christian Church. They were consistently rejected by Church counsels. There is absolutely zero evidence that these gnostic "gospels" came before the gospels accepted as part of the Bible.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Nov 30 2004, 09:09 AM'] [u]"Science can purify religion from error and superstition.
Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes" 1987 [/u] [/quote]
wow, who's that quote from?

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documents that were burned from that time period were actually burned by barbarian invasions of rome and persecutions. it was not a common practice of the early Church.

Edited by Aluigi
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Guest JeffCR07

[quote]Are you saying the damned experience God?[/quote]

I believe what Todd was saying is that God is Omnipresent.

Remember a few things and it will makes sense:

1.) We exist only on account of God's Will. If God stops willing our existence, then our existence will stop.

2.) Souls exist in Hell

3.) Therefore God's Will is present in Hell

Just because God's Will (and thus God Himself) is present in Hell does not mean that the damned "experience" God. It can be a sunny and bright day all around you, but if you are blind then you will not experience the light.

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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Actually she is my music history teacher.

Who happens to be a Baptist pastor-uh oh A PROTESTANT!

And history backs her up. It's in the book. It's in her research.

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[quote name='JeffCR07' date='Dec 1 2004, 12:05 AM']
I believe what Todd was saying is that God is Omnipresent.

Remember a few things and it will makes sense:

1.) We exist only on account of God's Will. If God stops willing our existence, then our existence will stop.

2.) Souls exist in Hell

3.) Therefore God's Will is present in Hell

Just because God's Will (and thus God Himself) is present in Hell does not mean that the damned "experience" God. It can be a sunny and bright day all around you, but if you are blind then you will not experience the light.

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff [/quote]
If that is what he meant, then OK.

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[quote name='SirMyztiq' date='Dec 1 2004, 02:42 AM'] Actually she is my music history teacher.

Who happens to be a Baptist pastor-uh oh A PROTESTANT!

And history backs her up. It's in the book. It's in her research. [/quote]
Well her book's wrong. And reading any serious history will prove it wrong. Where'd she get her "stuff" from? Since you've given absolutely no specific names, dates, places, events, documents, etc., you don't even have the beginning of a historical argument.

Until you can do better than this, I suggest you refrain from attacking people's positions in your posts. You're only making a fool of yourself.

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