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Martin Luther On Pbs


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Man they made Luther look like a Saint and our Church like the Synagogue of satan. It was aweful. I was angry while watching it.

That man destroyed Unity in Europe. That was not a good thing. Why did he get praised for it? His followers went out and murdered thousands of Peasants. He treated the poor like agents of satan. He was a evil man if anything he was the Devil.

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"Martin Luther" on PBS was pure Bull-oney -- false history presented as true and heroic. It was Luther alone against that big bad ole Catholic Church. Luther is to be counted among the "Great Emancipators" of history, one commentator opined, for "freeing us" from the clutches of the Church. The stench rising from the screen was nauseating. Truth is, little is wrong in our society today that cannot be traced to Luther and Protestantism, beginning with Individualism.

I was looking for a sponsor to boycott, but all I picked up was that 'Luther' was made possible "by contributors like you" or whatever that line is that PBS uses to mean general public contributions.

I contribute zero to PBS. Never, not ever, not one cent. They regard similated sex acts as entertainment, promote abortion, and advocate homosexual marriage, among other things, not to mention that PBS is chronically anti-Catholic .

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An accurate and truly historical book on the life of Luther would counter it! PBS got his name right, after that it was pure fabrication and distortion of the truth.

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Brother Adam

There are a few things about Luther we can all agree on- He was a little nuts (look what he went through in his life though), he didn't lack guts, and his followers picked up the torch where he left off and kept changes things, not to his liking.

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Jake Huether

As usual, Bro. You are correct. He actually started off with a pretty good thing (wanting to extinguish the corrupt bishops who were selling indulgenses). But then I think he went off the deep end when those corrupt individuals inside the Church (note: not the Church herself) didn't listen to him. His real problem therefore was simply a lack of patients.

So, along the lines of what you're saying, Bro. Luther even started to change things that he originally wouldn't have.

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Martin Luther was right to question some of the practices going on in the Church back then. He was wrong when he took it too far and went nuts. Can you imagine what would have happened if he stayed in the Church, remained sane, and used his influence to correct some of the wrongs from within?

The end result was that the Church hierarchy eventually did correct some of the bad practices, and this was probably because of Martin Luther's influence on the Reformation. In the very least, he sped it up. Without the Reformation their would have never been the Counter-Reformation.

Maybe it was God's way of giving his Church a wake-up call. Unfortunately, the phone used in that wake-up call grew legs, ripped it's cord out of the wall, jumped out of the Vatican window, and has been getting really, really bad reception ever since.

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Maybe it was God's way of giving his Church a wake-up call. Unfortunately, the phone used in that wake-up call grew legs, ripped it's cord out of the wall, jumped out of the Vatican window, and has been getting really, really bad reception ever since.


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can anyone recommend a good biography of Luther? from an objective opinion, not too pro- or anti-Catholic, or too pro- or anti-Reformation?

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can anyone recommend a good biography of Luther? from an objective opinion, not too pro- or anti-Catholic, or too pro- or anti-Reformation?

You may have a hard time finding such a thing. Maybe you should read one pro-Luther and then one pro-Catholic. That's what I try to do with everything.

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  • 12 years later...

my coworker is Lutheran and hates everything Catholic, but we are able to discuss issues without anger or contempt towards one another...


I'm praying for his conversion...but he really must love this documentary because he always tells me he has every right to be angry with the Catholic Church...

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