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Martin Luther On Pbs


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I just got finished watching the last hour and 1/2 of a 2 hour special on Martin Luther on PBS.

Liam Neeson (who I thought was Catholic) narrated.

Overall, it was okay, but it seemed as if it was really trying to show Martin Luther as this great emancipator, whos only concern was the truth. To me, it almost depicted him as some kind of saint, only briefly touching on some of the negative aspects of his life right at the end of the program (where he encouraged the slaughtering of peasants).

Did anyone else see this program? I'd like to hear some other thoughts.

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I was watching it for a little while, but got tired of the spin it was being done with.

For example, showing ML on the cart, traveling through the snowy wilderness then cutting to the Pope in the fancy cassock and gloves in sunny Rome, signing the excommunication decree in a dark smokey room. Come on.

Then it was a pure appeal to the American ideal of individualism when it said that ML found his greatest ally against Rome in the printing press. Then it glossed over how ML took advantage of the political state of Germany to fight Rome while having theolgians 'glow' about how brave a crusader ML was in defiance to possible burning at the stake by secular authorities after he was excommunicated.

It's no wonder Protestants continue to exist is historical denial.

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i think st. thomas more said it best when he described Luther because he was a major factor and was THE Church Defender when martin Luther was attacking the church.....

he said that Martin Luther saw the Catholic Church, "through a pair of evil spectacles of ire and envy; he was prompted by the inch and tickling of vanity and vainglory".

St. Thomas More Pray for us!

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thanks i did a bio of him...it was an "I" search...meaning you write a bio...but using "I" for the person your researching on.....it was neat. i had to do it for a history class and boy was i excited when I got to do a saint! haha my teacher was mad cuz i did st. thomas, he didn't like catholics (he was a meanie!)

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Yeah, you.

And are there any 'poo' or 'stinker' stories? (j/k)

Edited by jasJis
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haha no i didn't do a bio on martin luther....i did it on st. thomas more...hahah

ml's bio would have been too stinky, like what your sig says...


and i linked my bio on st. thomas more....but geocities is cheapo so forgive me if you can't read it....

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It was on down here in Australia, on SBS.


I didn't watch it, because the promo made Luther seem like a hero who conquered over the Catholic Church which was described as corrupt and evil.

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I just got finished watching the last hour and 1/2 of a 2 hour special on Martin Luther on PBS.

Liam Neeson (who I thought was Catholic) narrated.

Overall, it was okay, but it seemed as if it was really trying to show Martin Luther as this great emancipator, whos only concern was the truth. To me, it almost depicted him as some kind of saint, only briefly touching on some of the negative aspects of his life right at the end of the program (where he encouraged the slaughtering of peasants).

Did anyone else see this program? I'd like to hear some other thoughts.

I saw parts of it, and started getting annoyed because I could not counter any of what was said.... ML had deep personal issues, he was a fool.



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