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How do you know if you are in Christ's Church?


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We know that the Apostles all taught One Faith.

Many call this "One Faith in Jesus Christ"... but they do not realize what that means.

[b]John 14:16[/b]
[color=red]And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, [/color]
[b]17 [/b][color=red]the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you. [/color]
[b]18 [/b][color=red]I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.[/color]

[b]1 Tim 3:15[/b]
But if I should be delayed, you should know how to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth.

Above we see that the Sprit of Truth will always be with the Church. We also see that the Church is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth. This means that the Church cannot be wrong. To be the foundation and pillar means that the Church in needed to know the Truth.... God's Truth. It is impossible to have truth without the Church.

So we must ask... "Which Church did Christ start?"

How can we know with all the conflicting stories?

For one, we must look through history.

We must ask ourselves... can we find at least two people in each century since the time of Christ, that are 100% believing in everything originally taught since 33 AD?

Those two people from each century would also all agree with the others.

Find this, and you will know where the Church built by Christ is.

If anyone is in a church that [b]cannot [/b]show at least two people in each century since Christ that do not contradict anything taught by that church today, then they are in the wrong church.

Surely the True Church built by Christ will have at least two people in each century that do not contridict the teachings of the Church. Because truth cannot contradict truth. What is true is true and always will be true. 2 + 2 will always be 4. Just as the Church established by Christ will always have the Truth.

So far... in all my searches... Only the Catholic Church fulfills this challenge.

The three choices that you have as a Christian are...
1.) Prove it wrong
2.) Become Catholic
3.) Deny God and become an Athiest

If you choose to ignore these statments that I have made... How can you call yourself Christian? A Christian will want to be in Christ's Church. If you haven't been able to find two people in each century since 33 AD to have the same beliefs as the church you are in, then you know full well that you are not in the right Church. Given the facts that Christ and the Apostles laid out about what the Church is. A Christian will be able to prove these statements wrong and show two Christians that believe everything they do from every century since 33 AD.

In the context given, Church cannot be the people because we all contradict one another... How can Truth contradict Truth?!

God Bless,

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It's sad how so many people ignore these simple facts and are focused more on trying to prove the Catholic Church wrong (which is impossible) instead of focusing on if they are in the True Church.

God Bless,

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It's simple. You look at historical facts and realize that the Roman Catholic Church is Christ's Church founded in 33 AD.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Nov 23 2004, 10:56 PM'] It's sad how so many people ignore these simple facts and are focused more on trying to prove the Catholic Church wrong (which is impossible) instead of focusing on if they are in the True Church.

God Bless,
ironmonk [/quote]

Thank you for proving my point.... I wish you would prove the above point wrong... then you would be better off.

Yes. That is the Church started by Christ.

You would be wise to study how the House of God is the House of Our King. God is litterally present in the Temple. He was before Christ came to earth, and He is after Christ came to earth.

He is our King, and the House of God is His Palace.

Please stick to the main topic.

If you are in the Church started by Christ, please show us some of the Early Church Fathers which believe everything that you do... that would agree with everything that your church teaches.

For example... One I would pick if someone asked me was St. Augustine... he believes everything that I believe. St. Ignatius is another one. None of their writings contradict what I believe... they support what I believe... Hence why I am Catholic. Because it is the Church established by Christ.

God Bless,

Edited by ironmonk
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for real, just study that picture.

think thats how Jesus thinks of worship?

doesn't really remind me of the book of Acts.

maybe i'm wrong. but honestly use some perspective....what does that look like to you guys?

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[quote name='mulls' date='Nov 25 2004, 12:50 AM'] for real, just study that picture.

think thats how Jesus thinks of worship?

doesn't really remind me of the book of Acts.

maybe i'm wrong. but honestly use some perspective....what does that look like to you guys? [/quote]

Notice the avoidence of the topic. When anti-Catholics don't have an answer against the Church, they try a red herring to change the subject.


Where are the photos in the book of Acts?

Where you there?

Have you ever seen a Jewish Temple where they believe that God is present? Why do you think the Temple in Jerusalem was so adorn with Jewels before Christ's time? Because God is King and was present.

You would benefit greatly from real study instead of anti-Catholic bigotry and misplaced scron.

Please stick to the topic... if you are in Christ's Church, it would be easy to do.

God Bless,

Edited by ironmonk
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If you think of the Old Testament and the Temple of the Lord, imagine the priest offering the first fruits to God. Did you ever read what the priest wore, or how reverent the sacrifice was. Being at the altar of God is being at the beginnings of the heavenly banquet surrounded by choirs of angels and saints singing "Holy Holy Holy God, Lord God Almighty"

"Blessed are You, O Lord God king of the Universe, for the fruit of the Vine." Jesus is the First Fruit of the Father.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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