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The Purpose of the United States Government

Guest Aluigi

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Nov 29 2004, 05:55 PM'] You'd have to be a fool not to believe in them. I've seen them both with my own eyes. [/quote]
:lol: exactly what I was thinking...

let's start a consiracy rumor, shall we? :ph34r:

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[quote]Therefore, when debating any policy the government should adopt (such as the recognition of same sex unions), it is perfectly prudent to ask and debate about whether or not that policy is going to further any of these founding principles.  if it is not, it should not be a policy of the United States Government.[/quote]

The real question to ask is what is the role of the Federal Government in deciding a certain issue. The Federal Government has no power to do anything not specifically granted to it by the constitution. The States, on the other hand, are free do anything not specifically forbidden by the Constitution. It seems to me that the only way the federal government can make same sex marriage illegal is if they do it by Constitutional amendment. Unless you can think of one of the other powers that it would fall under. In reality, this whole argument is absurd. Even someone as worthless as Abe Lincoln would not have dreamed up some of the carp these people are justifying now. This is why I am sceptical of deocratic systems. They tend to break down to easy.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Nov 29 2004, 06:55 PM'] You'd have to be a fool not to believe in them. I've seen them both with my own eyes. [/quote]
PSPX, I think he meant can it faithfully be accepted (meaning in keeping with Catholic Dogma).

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Nov 29 2004, 06:03 PM'] Aluigi:

The real question to ask is what is the role of the Federal Government in deciding a certain issue. The Federal Government has no power to do anything not specifically granted to it by the constitution. The States, on the other hand, are free do anything not specifically forbidden by the Constitution. [/quote]
The powers granted to the federal government are far reaching in scope. Consider, for example, the "necessary and proper" clause. It gives immense amounts of power to the federal government with little restriction.

[quote]It seems to me that the only way the federal government can make same sex marriage illegal is if they do it by Constitutional amendment.[/quote]

In that, at least, you are correct.

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