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You know you're a LOTR geek if...


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[quote name='shelly_freak' date='Nov 19 2004, 10:40 AM'] My friend and I made elf dresses for Two Towers and went on opening day 2 hrs in advance to see it. Then for Return of the King we dressed up as hobbits. Although I think my friend made a better elf and I made a better hobbit (she's incredibly tall and skinny whereas I, well we'll just say I'm not). [/quote]
:lol: That's great! I wanted to make a costume, but I never actually went through with it. I did buy advance tickets and wait in line for three hours for each movie. :nerd:

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[quote name='azaelia' date='Nov 19 2004, 10:00 AM'] :lol: That's great! I wanted to make a costume, but I never actually went through with it. I did buy advance tickets and wait in line for three hours for each movie. :nerd: [/quote]
:D That's awesome!

For return of the King my friend and I even made lambas bread and tea to eat during the movie :nerd:

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I was the first person in line for ROTK :ph34r:

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[quote name='shelly_freak' date='Nov 18 2004, 04:55 PM'] :D yeah!

and thier kids are SOOOOOOOOOOO cute! they're in all three :D [/quote]
^^ ooh didn't know that!!! Are thewir kids one of the kids Bilbo is telling a story to in Fellowship of the Ring? I remember those little kids were really cute.

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[quote name='azaelia' date='Nov 19 2004, 10:00 AM'] :lol: That's great! I wanted to make a costume, but I never actually went through with it. I did buy advance tickets and wait in line for three hours for each movie. :nerd: [/quote]
Hehehe me too. Though not on the first day. We pre-ordered tickets for an evening with a big group of family and friends, but that same morning my sister, and 2 cousins and I (hard-core fans :P ) watched the first 2 extended editions. LOTR marathon.

We're planning one for December w/ the new extended ed. :cool: :lol:

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I :wub: LOTR!! Went to all 3 movies, and read all of the books.

Actually... while in line for the 2nd movie, my dad (who'd saved us spots in line earlier) introduced us to this guy who was in front of him in line, they'd been talking for a while.

The guy [b]worked on the movie[/b] He helped out with the graphics (I dont remember what specifically) He was coming with his family, and actually brought an autographed copy of the first movie on dvd (he'd wanted to get in the theater early, and was going to see if they'd let him if he gave it to them (his family was coming with him, and his mother couldn't walk well at all)) Well, they didn't let him in early, but the copy was autographed by a lot of the cast and Peter Jackson.
My sister and I actually helped him save seats (once we were in the theater) for his family.
I (being the geek that I am) went up w/ my ticket stub and got his autograph.
My friends hated me for weeks! It was sooo :cool:

Edited by TrinityAddiction
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[quote name='TrinityAddiction' date='Nov 20 2004, 12:49 AM'] The guy [b]worked on the movie[/b] He helped out with the graphics [/quote]
I :wub: Wetta!

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[quote name='luciana' date='Nov 19 2004, 11:04 PM'] ^^ ooh didn't know that!!! Are thewir kids one of the kids Bilbo is telling a story to in Fellowship of the Ring? I remember those little kids were really cute. [/quote]
Yeah! That's them!

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[quote name='TrinityAddiction' date='Nov 20 2004, 01:49 AM'] The guy [b]worked on the movie[/b] He helped out with the graphics (I dont remember what specifically) [/quote]



I cannot speak :o

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^ neither could I! I was like- wow!

He tried to offer my sister and I money for helping him save seats, but we wouldn't accept it. ^_^

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