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I found these on [url="http://www.elvish.org/gwaith/language.htm"]Elvish.org[/url]. :cool:

[u]Our Father[/u]
Ádarem i ne menel,
aer ess lîn aen,
árdh lîn tolo,
iest lîn aen
ne menel a ned amar.

Si anno i mast vîn órui ammen
ah ammen aranno raegath vîn
be arannam an raegdain vîn,
ah ú-dogo na-vael ammen
dan leithio ammen ed ulug!

[u]Hail Mary[/u]
Ai Meri, meleth-phant,
Hîr ah-le; daethannen im bessath phain
a daethannen iaf e-huvech - Iesus.

Aer Meri, Eru-odhril,
hero ammen raegdain
sí a ned lú e-gurthem.

How cool is that? :nerd:

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What if Sindarin Elvish was taken from an old ancient demonic language?
Hmmm... What if it was meant to bring Sauron back?!

My Precious...

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"What if Sindarin Elvish was taken from an old ancient demonic language?
Hmmm... What if it was meant to bring Sauron back?!"

I highly doubt it... after all Tolkien was an awesome Catholic.. very devoted to the Eucharist.

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THis is very cool....

it reminds me of one of my professors though, he has such bad handwriting that when he writes notes on the board it looks like he is writing in elvish. no one ca read it.

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[quote name='raptor13' date='Nov 18 2004, 03:01 PM'] is that sindarin or quenya? my elvish is rusty. [/quote]
Sindarin. ^_^

[quote] What if Sindarin Elvish was taken from an old ancient demonic language?
Hmmm... What if it was meant to bring Sauron back?![/quote]

Actually, Elvish was derived from Old English and Gaelic. And Tolkien was a hardcore devout Catholic :nerd:

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Rebirth flame

i'm a nerd. I was sick one time last year for a long period of time, so i decoded and memorized the tengwar alphabet.... so i can write in elvish in three different modes (quenyan, sindarin, and english)... now if only i had the language down... lol!

i can do a pretty good smeagol impression... i wish i could show ya'll somehow...lol...

God Bless!
~the poster formerly known as smeagol

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[quote name='Rebirth flame' date='Nov 18 2004, 05:00 PM'] i'm a nerd. I was sick one time last year for a long period of time, so i decoded and memorized the tengwar alphabet.... so i can write in elvish in three different modes (quenyan, sindarin, and english)... [/quote]

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Rebirth flame

[quote name='azaelia' date='Nov 18 2004, 05:06 PM'] :notworthy: [/quote]
Bow before my genius...

...and watch as i am smote upon the mountainside for my pride...!

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