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I was in the city last week. In the city, right in the main mall of the CBD, there is occassionaly this a so-called religion, called Raelian. What do they believe in? In short:

Our patrology belongs to aliens in the sky, the God of the Old Testament was an alien that EVERYONE mistook as a God, and the race that YHWH belongs to is the ELOHIM.

The scary thing is, people actually get suckered into believing this cult and they're right in the middle of the city where 1000's of people walk past each day, handing out flyers and promoting the one thing that chills my blood - to unbaptise yourself, and if you are Catholic, to apostasise 'NOW' and live your life of freedom. Nuts, aint it?

The point of this topic is, is to set an example of how people these days are BELIEVING ANYTHING because they're so deluded to the truth. 1000 years ago when the Catholic Church was a part of most cultures, people would not have an ear of it to think that God was an alien that lived on another planet. Now however, people believe it, and they're even accepted into modern culture by giving them a stand to promote their insanity to the public.

On another note, Mormonism teaches something similiar to Raelianism, just in a more subtle way (and look how popular it is too!). They believe that God lives on another planet, He is not the only God but a person who became a god because He lived a good (mormon) life when on earth (wherever he came from). They believe that all the gods live together on a planet SOMEWHERE out in the solar system.

People believe this stuff. We're so deluded....


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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Lil Red' date='Nov 17 2004, 01:43 AM'] isn't this the same group who said they had successfully cloned a human and then couldn't back up their claim? [/quote]
Yes. They're :wacko:.

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Yeah...believe it or not ... I worked with a Raelian high "priest"


No really ... I have had meetings with this guy. Yeah.

He was a pretty nice guy really. Weird. But nice.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

I had a Raelian hand me a pamphlet while going door to door one day. I'd love to ask them where the aliens who created us come from.

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The Raelians are a creepy lot...with all their human cloning ideals and what not...

I find it interesting that their logo was a swastika inside a Star of David, until Rael (the founder) got a message from the aliens that their intergalactic embassy should be in Israel. Of course, Israel wasn't too keen about having a swastika-emblazoned embassy in Jerusalem. In the nick of time, the aliens from outer space told Rael that it would be ok to change their logo to exclude the swastika. From [url="http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/rael.html#symbol"]Religious Movements Homepage[/url]

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Yay, Raeliens.... their homebase is in my country..... they're spooky.

They're all about "sexual meditation" and have big orgies and stuff.... it's gross... and wierd....

grierd I guess you could call it.

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It seems I recall reading about the flack over their proposed UFO landing pad they wanted to build in Israel (seems the Israeli gov't wasn't so keen on the idea).

No limits to human insanity!

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

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They built that landing-pad because YHWH, the alien, told their leader, Riel, that they will come and land there in 2035 and take them away to live a life of absolute bliss.


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See the problem I have with any "alien worshipping" cult is that these guys assume that aliens are the source of our knowledge and will take us away and possibly that aliens even made us.....
so who made the aliens? It doesn't make any sense.... anything that exists and anyone that exists has to come from somewhere... there has to be a supreme source for everything.... thus God as we know Him.

And what is with this with God not being with us and watching us all the time....It is only logical that God is here, with us and in us always. He is not on some other planet, he is among u.

I don't get it.

Sigh. Where do these guys come from.

God Bless,

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