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Okay whats up with the debate table

Don John of Austria

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='Azriel' date='Nov 15 2004, 03:07 PM'] Having been a member of phorums for quite a few years, it just becomes very obvious that everything goes in cycles.

Besides, maybe debate is just dead because Don hasn't been around in a LONG TIME.

:P [/quote]
I'm inclined to agree with Az here.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Nov 15 2004, 03:32 PM'] Politics are very important when they deal with morality, ethics, and our way of life. It is a Christian thing to talk about.

That is why this country is so wacked because people have been raised not to talk about religion and politics.

Because people refrain from talking about politics and religion is why we have so much abortion, ssa relationships, drug abuse, high crime rates, etc...

If you want to demoralize a country and cause chaos, get people to stop talking religion and politics.

People learn when they talk religion and politics.

[b]Politics = the policies which govern your life and your children's lives... [/b]

[b][i]You say that's not important?[/i][/b]

Many people fear political dialogs because they are not aware of the big picture and don't give it much thought. It's very easy to come across someone who has a wrong view and people don't like to be wrong, so typically those that know they're in the wrong get the maddest.

Ignorance is not bliss. Talk, argue, reconcile, learn.

God Bless,
ironmonk [/quote]
If you would have read my statement correctly you would have seen that I did not say that politics is not important. I said that politics is not my favorite topic to discuss which is usually why I do not discuss it. Now when it comes to issues such as being Pro-life and standing up for the Pro-life movement then I'm right there, which has been evident in my post dealing with pro-life in the debate table. Again I did not say that politics was not important, I just don't make politics my life. Some people enjoy discussing politics and some dont, I'm one of those who don't. I don't like bickering over parties, which seems to be the topic of many of the political threads. Plus another reason I stay out of political threads is because they sometimes make me lose my temper, which is really hard to do, and I don't enjoy when it happens, thus my reasons for staying out of them. Now if it's a crime to stay out of political debates over which party does what and how evil so and so is, then I'm guilty of that.

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[quote name='StColette' date='Nov 15 2004, 05:37 PM'] If you would have read my statement correctly you would have seen that I did not say that politics is not important. I said that politics is not my favorite topic to discuss which is usually why I do not discuss it. Now when it comes to issues such as being Pro-life and standing up for the Pro-life movement then I'm right there, which has been evident in my post dealing with pro-life in the debate table. Again I did not say that politics was not important, I just don't make politics my life. Some people enjoy discussing politics and some dont, I'm one of those who don't. I don't like bickering over parties, which seems to be the topic of many of the political threads. Plus another reason I stay out of political threads is because they sometimes make me lose my temper, which is really hard to do, and I don't enjoy when it happens, thus my reasons for staying out of them. Now if it's a crime to stay out of political debates over which party does what and how evil so and so is, then I'm guilty of that. [/quote]
If you reread my statement you'll see that I edited it because I misread what you wrote...


BTW please check out the evil party thread... read the first post, it might supprise you.

God Bless,

Edited by ironmonk
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lol ^_^ nice fix Ironmonk ;)

I've been keeping an eye on the evil party thread :)

lol I love the edit button because I just quoted the wrong person lol

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Thy Geekdom Come

I actually really used to like politics, but now it drives me nuts...I mean, I have my opinions, but discussing them drives the greatest wedges between even the closest people.

I think I'm done discussing politics. I want to discuss morality instead. If we all just lived moral lives, and I think we all agree more on this board how to do that, maybe it will spread and there will be no more need for politics. I think morality is to politics as love is to the law...if we love, then we will be free from the law, because we will live by its precepts anyway and it will not hold us down. In the same way, if we live morally and let that spread, then there will be no more need for politics because everyone will live the right way anyway. No more need for welfare, because the rich will willingly help out the poor. No more need for government healthcare, because doctors will willingly treat the sick for free. No need for abortion laws, because everyone would recognize the inherent evil and would want their children, etc.

Morality will likely never bee spread completely, just as love won't be...some will always reject it, but we need to go for it and make it a priority.

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Umm guys? Are we really debating why the debate table is slow? :blink: I'm sure we could find something more important to talk about... ;)

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='goldenchild17' date='Nov 15 2004, 05:04 PM'] Umm guys? Are we really debating why the debate table is slow? :blink: I'm sure we could find something more important to talk about... ;) [/quote]
You're right...

The Emperor Caligula was named after a type of shoe. Discuss.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='StColette' date='Nov 15 2004, 05:05 PM'] I'm completely shocked :lol: [/quote]
Since you guys seemed to be editing so much, I edited all proof of what you said in the quote I made of you... :unsure:

*pulls out neuralizer and flashes*

However, I really do agree with you on a lot, and I'm really beginning to hate politics...

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='Raphael' date='Nov 15 2004, 04:06 PM'] You're right...

The Emperor Caligula was named after a type of shoe.  Discuss. [/quote]
Actually it wasn't a type of shoe, caligula meant "little boots".

And it was a nick name, not his given name.

Edited by Kilroy the Ninja
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[quote name='Raphael' date='Nov 15 2004, 04:06 PM'] You're right...

The Emperor Caligula was named after a type of shoe. Discuss. [/quote]
Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Um I don't know what Caligula means or if this was his real name so, I agree.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Nov 15 2004, 05:12 PM'] Actually it wasn't a type of shoe, caligula meant "little boots".

And it was a nick name, not his given name. [/quote]
Actually, "caliga" was a type of boot worn by footsoldiers with leather straps which would be laced together at the top and had spikes sticking out of the sole, unlike most other Roman shoes. Nonetheless, a boot is a type of shoe.

And yes, it was a nickname, but he went by it his whole life, so I consider it his name.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='StColette' date='Nov 15 2004, 05:21 PM'] lol here we go a debate over shoes ;) [/quote]
And it involves a man...never argue etymology with a classicist...

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