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The Incarnation


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As a Protestant, it was emphasized to me the Jesus' death was the most important aspect of the incarnation because it freed us from the penalty of sin. This was closely to be followed by his resurrection, which gave us some substantial proof of what his death acheived. The birth was necessary because had he not been born, he never could have died. Everything in between these three events was pretty much just instructional for future generations of Christians.

As a Catholic, many lay-people, a Deacon, and a Priest have all emphasized to me that the birth was most important to us because that is where redemption took place; that was Heaven intersecting with earth and breaking the barrier so we had direct access to God. Furthermore, everything in between the three events was the heart of Christ's mission - to teach social issues, liberalism, and reform.

One seems to be a more Augustinian view, the other seems to be more of an Aquinas approach. But what is official Church teaching? What are your oppinions?

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[quote name='Ziggamafu' date='Nov 11 2004, 04:47 AM'] As a Protestant, it was emphasized to me the Jesus' death was the most important aspect of the incarnation because it freed us from the penalty of sin. This was closely to be followed by his resurrection, which gave us some substantial proof of what his death acheived. The birth was necessary because had he not been born, he never could have died. Everything in between these three events was pretty much just instructional for future generations of Christians.

As a Catholic, many lay-people, a Deacon, and a Priest have all emphasized to me that the birth was most important to us because that is where redemption took place; that was Heaven intersecting with earth and breaking the barrier so we had direct access to God. Furthermore, everything in between the three events was the heart of Christ's mission - to teach social issues, liberalism, and reform.

One seems to be a more Augustinian view, the other seems to be more of an Aquinas approach. But what is official Church teaching? What are your oppinions? [/quote]
In Eastern Catholic theology deification is salvation, and so the incarnation is the pivotal moment in history in which the transcendent God enters into intimate contact with His creation elevating it into His own uncreated life and glory, but this does not mean that the Paschal Mystery is de-emphasized, rather it is seen more clearly as the apex of agape. The whole of the divine mystery involves Christ's incarnation, life, passion, death, and resurrection, and so these events form a single complexus, as a consequence, they cannot be understood properly in isolation.

God bless,

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Ziggamafu converted to Catholicism? When? Where? How?

Why am I not kept informed on these things. Welcome home!! I wanna know what happened.

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Nov 12 2004, 12:50 AM'] well................i guess that about answers it

Apotheoun is a one-man wrecking crew [/quote]
um...... yeah..... what he said.......... :unsure:

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