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Bush voters dumber than Kerry voters?


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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Nov 10 2004, 03:35 PM'] It probably wouldn't be best to take the "I'm better than him" approach on this article. [/quote]
No -- my point was, his "Bush voters are stupid, not travelled or cultured" assertion can easily be proven false.

Edward Prescott (Nobel Prize winner for economics) was a lot more favorable to the Republican economic policies than the Democrat policies. Of course I don't know who he voted for, but it certainly does away with the idea of Republican thoughtlessness.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

This is more of an argument that city life is better than rural life.

I guess my quality of life is lower because I drink coffee from the office coffee-pot instead of Starbucks Frappachinos.

I guess I am not well traveled because I've only been to several foreign countires and to some of the most magnificent national parks in America, yet I've never been to New York City.

I guess I never knew anything about what else went on in the world because I grew up in Mississippi.

I guess some of the guys I know aren't interesting because even though they've served in wars, have eight siblings, or have devoted their lives to missions, they haven't slept with even one man.

If that's what it takes to have a good life, well screw them. I'll be poor, uneducated, untraveled, and continue hanging out with boring people.

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Ok now I'm just annoyed.

And why the heck is it that the only British papers that the US media ever read are the commie ones like the retarded Daily Mirror?!

[quote]"How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?" asked the headline of the Daily Mirror in Great Britain,[/quote]

I should point out, by a striking coincidence that's almost the exact population of the UK.

Edited by RandomProddy
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When will they realize that Liberalism is a Sin and has done nothing but hurt the church from the very beginning? I'm reading "Triumph" by Henry Crocker III. This book goes deep into Liberalism and the persecution of Catholics by Liberals. Liberals literally have no brains. (in some cases no hearts either" "i.e. Abortion). They can be very aggrivating..

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MC Just, I think it is important to distinguish what we mean when we say "Liberalism" . . . Cardinal Newman gives a great defense of a certain type of Liberalism . . .

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I am completely against Kerry--but not for Bush--I am for a candidate who is in line with what the Church teaches. That being said, I would like to comment on somthing this Ted fellow wrote (being from Connecticut myself):

"So our guy lost the election. Why shouldn't those of us on the coasts feel superior? We eat better,"


"travel more,"


"dress better,"


"watch cooler movies,"

Probably true

"earn better salaries,"


"meet more interesting people,"

Depends what you mean

"listen to better music"

That is also definitely true... e.g., WABE, the station that plays the liberal NPR, has classical music on during the day--most rednecks listen to country, and in the southern intercities, especially Atlanta, they listen to the ungodly rap

"and know more about what's going on in the world."

That's also probably true

Basically... the general populus, especially in New England, has everything right except morals and politics (they've got the Religion correct, just need to actually follow it), but I don't know how someone could think that middle American and especially the South is more elegant than New England. The manners are non-existant for the most part, and there is little to no class.

That doesn't change my beliefs of political stance, but just to show that even leftists like this guy are right about some things (I guess anything that doesn't deal with anything leftist ideals don't touch on).

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Nov 10 2004, 05:52 PM'] When will they realize that Liberalism is a Sin and has done nothing but hurt the church from the very beginning? I'm reading "Triumph" by Henry Crocker III. This book goes deep into Liberalism and the persecution of Catholics by Liberals. Liberals literally have no brains. (in some cases no hearts either" "i.e. Abortion). They can be very aggrivating.. [/quote]
I suppose you've already read Liberalism is a Sin, which was a wonderful book, too.

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[quote name='CatholicCrusader' date='Nov 10 2004, 05:54 PM']
That is also definitely true... e.g., WABE, the station that plays the liberal NPR, has classical music on during the day--most rednecks listen to country, and in the southern intercities, especially Atlanta, they listen to the ungodly rap

whats so bad about country? :angry:

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[quote name='RandomProddy' date='Nov 10 2004, 04:16 PM'] I should point out, by a striking coincidence that's almost the exact population of the UK. [/quote]

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[i]and[/i] from what i know from living here in the ATL....those people who listen to that "ungodly rap" tend to be Democrats, by the way

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