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Prepare for More Persecution


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UK is gettin better. rest of Europe is gettin worse.

America is gettin better, case in point the exit polls of the recent elections: people voted based on MORALS, and it's lookin more and more like Roe v. Wade could be overthrown in our lifetime.

you're right about the judges, i think it was Thomas Jefferson who originally predicted that the Judiciary Branch would destroy the Republic.

I recently posted a map regarding abortion laws, and seeing as it was from a pro-abortion site the white countries were the abortion on demand, the blue were more restrictive than that, the pink were really restrictive and the red most restrictive... the southern hemisphere had tons of red and pink (WOOOHOO) Australia was blue, and the UK was blue, and basically the rest of the northern hemisphere (exception of Portugal and Republic of Ireland) was white.

Anyway, it's really good news that it appears that the U.K. and the U.S. are the countries startin to get better, more morally conservative.


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check out the irony of the signing of the E.U. Constitution under a statue of the Pope


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"_In historically Catholic France, the government's ban on the display of "conspicuous" religious symbols in state institutions stirred controversy because it prevented Muslim girls from wearing veils to school, but it also outlawed Christian symbols such as crucifixes"

I don't know if this is more because of secularism or because of xenophobia. They are also prohibiting Jews to wear yarmulkas in school.
I think they just outlawed the yarmulkas and crucufixes so it wouldn't look like they were singleing out muslims.
I mean they didn't seem to have a problem with crucifixes and yarmulka until there was a significant muslim population.....
think about it.

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Ash Wednesday

I agree that hard times are ahead, especially in Europe.

I am, and always will be, a voting American citizen. But I might end up living in Europe. Naturally people will ask me why I would want to do such a thing -- but you see, no matter where you go, you want to plant seeds of faith, and to keep the flame of faith alive. So if any place needs seeds planted, it is Europe.

Europe is very secular, but there are pockets of good noble people there. I've noticed it is different than the U.S. -- we have Catholics that attend mass but are pretty casual about the religion -- in Europe, the Catholics that actually show up to mass are pretty serious about their faith. I could be wrong but that is my experience.

I've always wondered why Europeans and Americans approach religion so differently. Maybe it is because in America, when we established this country, we made it a point of allowing freedom of religion and not having a state sponsored church. In Europe they had that with mixed results and perhaps people are wary of religion because of it. Just my guess, anyway.

My prayers for this situation, anyway. :(

Remember, God always has the last word!

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[quote name='Noel's angel' date='Nov 10 2004, 09:50 PM'] I'm trying to improve the young people of Northern Ireland (ignorant children, unfortunately) [/quote]

Good call.

Edit: very good call. I know of very few young women who see a problem in society and actually try to help, and even fewer than that get praise for it.


Edited by RandomProddy
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