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Can the Eucharist


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if the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ, can the Eucharist cleanse us of sin?

It would be ridicolous (theologically) to say that sinful bodies and sin itself could consume the pureness of God, so must there be a 'divine' cleansing before consumation, no? (It is the same basic arguement for Mary to be concieved without sin)

and if this is true, then one could recieve the cleansing of sin through the sacrament of Eucharist, no?

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11/10 - St. Leo the Great


Yeah, the Eucharist can cleanse us from venial sin. It does not, however, cleanse us from mortal sin. When we're in mortal sin, we're out of communion - Holy Communion is not designed for those out of communion. Reconciliation is proper to the sacrament of, well, reconciliation. Hope this helps.

Pio Nono

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