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Right For Life Commercial


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I was watching tv over the weekend and saw a commercial for animals and the environment. The commercial goes like this.

Scene is of a person holding a duck that is soaked in oil from an oil spill in the ocean. The workers are cleaning the duck off and the camera focus's on the duck and a commentator comes in..

Commentator: If he could talk. He would say how dangerous the environment is.

Commentator paused for effect

Commentator: If he could talk, he would say..blah, blah, blah.

Ok anyway, this went on for the :30 spot for this commercial and im thinking..you know what, this weekend I have seen TONS of animal right commercials, from fur to seals..what about babies? What about humans.

Im all for protecting the wildlife and such, but what really agrivates me is that half of those people at PETA are in support of Abortion, they'd kill baby humans but not baby rats..pretty rediculous..

So I am making a commercial..dont know how but by the Grace of God Im going to do it..so below is what I thought would be a good commercial.comments welcome, be constructive, im not steven spielburg, im steve catholicandfanatical


Right For Life Commercial: Ultrasound

By Steve

Scene 1

Opening music

A live ultra-sound is the focus

The heartbeat of the baby is very noticeable

The baby is sucking her thumb

The Commentator comes in:

If she could talk, she would say how excited she is about coming into this world

Commentator Pause for effect, about 2-3 seconds

If she could talk, she would mention how she dreams of being close to you

Commentator Pause for effect, about 2-3 second

If she could talk, she would tell you how she just wants to be loved

Commentator Pause for effect, about 2-3 second

If she could talk, she would tell you that she’s not just a ‘fetus’ but a living, breathing human being with thoughts and feelings

Commentator Pause for effect, about 2-3 second

If she could talk, she would tell you how much she loves you

Screen goes black and a message centered on the screen says

Give Life a Chance


Abortion is Murder


Choose Responsibility Not Abortion


Abortion stops a beating heart

Right For Life endorsement comes up

Approximately :30


ok, i spent a few hours trying to come up with something touching that the baby could say. So feel free to give ideas.

I dunno, its an idea anyway..was just thinking how I could serve the babies that cant serve themselves..

oh yea, when i put at the end "Screen goes black and a message centered on the screen says.." those msg's dont come up at once..hehe, i was goign to choose one of those messages to come up, not all of them like that..

God Bless,


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steve your amazing!!

i like that idea soo much.....

that would be such a GREAT idea to really speak up for the unborn


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whoa, well thank you littleflower, made me blush, but really its God, not me.


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you know there are some COOL pro-life commercials thats been aired and have even won awards?

check out


and click on the left where its says "TV ADS"

theres three of them and they all gave me goosebumps when i watched them...


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Mary's Knight, La

I like the commercial I just wish I was optimistic enough to believe there might be a station that would air it. More than likely would flat out refuse, or shove it in the least watched spots.

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Steve forward your idea to Michigan Right to Life and Arizona Right to Life, they produce a lot of commericials. Also, I'm sure that Fr. Frank would like to hear this idea. Send it to pfl@priestsforlife.org Attn: Public Outreach, Elisa DeStefano . . .

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There is a film school in Grand Rapids (I think...) that my brother in law Jake went to, and they actually make and AIR Pro-Life commercials. I've actually seen them on the TV before! Maybe if you sent your idea to someplace like that they'd actually get it on TV?

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OO!! Wonderful idea; I totally agree that we need to represent our unborn family members! Do try to somehow get it aired!!

St. Therese, pray for us!!

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Thanks guys for the info..

Im on it like a slick MC Just track

isnt God Great!!

St. Therese pray for us!


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That was pretty spiffy.

Only, one comment. Now, I'm all for the unborn and saving them, et al, but I really think one of the huge problems facing the Pro-Life movement today is we are seen to be all about the foetus and not enough about the woman.

As true as it is "Abortion stops a beating heart" is really quite a bad slogan, it focusses everything on the baby and not anything on the woman in the situtation.

"Abortion: One dead. One wounded". Is my fav. anti-abortion slogan.

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"Abortion: One dead. One wounded". Is my fav. anti-abortion slogan.

Yea that is a good slogan, and excellent point. My idea was inDouche to focus on the child rather than the mother. Perhaps I can try to think of another one where I could include the mother in there as well.


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