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Am I wrong to get steamed when the priest leaves out the word "Men" during the Creed?
"for us...?" what? fish? rocks?
It really bothers me and sometimes I let the priest know on the way out. Their eyes look like a deer caught in the headlights.
By their logic shouldn't it follow that "....born of the Virgin Mary and became man..." would be changed to "became human"?
If the priest feels inclined to edit the Creed I can only wonder at what else he might decide to change.


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11/8 - Bl. John Duns Scotus

When all is said and done, there is nothing theologically incorrect with the priest leaving out the "men" to which you refer. He could easily say, in accord with the Latin ([i]pro nobis hominibus[/i]), "for us people," but the approved translation requires him to say, "For us men."

There was brief talk about replacing "...born of the Virgin Mary and became man..." with "...and became [b]a[/b] man...", but they quickly realized that this would endorse a heresy condemned centuries ago (aka Apollinarianism, with hintings of Arianism). Hope this helps.

Pio Nono

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