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church and gun control


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hey, you guys better stop makin fun of this topic

or the nuns will come after ya!

<i can't believe no one thought of posting this pic yet!>

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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Nov 10 2004, 11:26 PM'] hey, you guys better stop makin fun of this topic

or the nuns will come after ya!

<i can't believe no one thought of posting this pic yet!> [/quote]
How can I compete with that...

[img]http://www.stmarysridge.org/feed/thmb_300/image7.jpg[/img]Ah, I've got it

Beat that!!

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I cannot post the source for this because I am unable to find it (but I will if I do find it somewhere else), but Catholic countries forbid the people to have deadly weapons, guns included, at least pre-Renaissance and maybe during the Renaissance. Once there was a threat and a need for the people to defend themselves, guns were allowed for that reason, but we should not go overboard with a sort of love for guns. It seems kind of Americanistic (not the heresy, but just in general), and we know how anti-Catholic America is. There was no love of guns in Christendom; I cannot see a reason to "love" guns. One can love hunting because it has a purpose, but to have a love of guns seems pointless at best. With all that said, in this society it is often necessary to have a gun for protection at least, so there is definitely nothing wrong with it, and gun control is unable to stop crime. All it does is take guns from the innocent people; something like 80% of crimes are committed with illegal guns.

N.B., if anyone wants to call me a liberal because of this post, please see my other posts.

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[quote name='CatholicforChrist' date='Nov 11 2004, 11:35 AM'] I cannot see a reason to "love" guns. [/quote]
Have you ever went shooting at targets?

Can one love skateboarding, skiing, a game, computers, football, baseball, phatmass, etc...?

Then one can have a reason to love guns.

God Bless,

Edited by ironmonk
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[quote name='CatholicforChrist' date='Nov 11 2004, 09:35 AM'] I cannot post the source for this because I am unable to find it (but I will if I do find it somewhere else), but Catholic countries forbid the people to have deadly weapons, guns included, at least pre-Renaissance and maybe during the Renaissance. Once there was a threat and a need for the people to defend themselves, guns were allowed for that reason, but we should not go overboard with a sort of love for guns. It seems kind of Americanistic (not the heresy, but just in general), and we know how anti-Catholic America is. There was no love of guns in Christendom; I cannot see a reason to "love" guns. One can love hunting because it has a purpose, but to have a love of guns seems pointless at best. With all that said, in this society it is often necessary to have a gun for protection at least, so there is definitely nothing wrong with it, and gun control is unable to stop crime. All it does is take guns from the innocent people; something like 80% of crimes are committed with illegal guns.

N.B., if anyone wants to call me a liberal because of this post, please see my other posts. [/quote]
"Liberal" doesn't begin to do you justice, buddy!

America, God, guns, & guts, baby! (& Mom & Apple Pie, too!)

(ps. - Everybody had swords, bows & arrows, etc. in the Middle Ages (early small firearms were pretty ineffectual)- only tyrants fear an armed populace!)

Happy Veterans Day and God bless,

Socrates (who carries no guns, but keeps a two-handed sword handy)

Edited by Socrates
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Oh yeah, and medieval knights did have a love for their swords!

(Historical note for CatholicforChrist and any others: Small firearms were not developed until the fourteen-hundreds, and were very primitive, and ineffective. They were not used much as combat weapons until the seventeenth century. It wasn't until the early nineteenth century that the rifled barrell was introduced.)

In short, small firearms were not generally a weapon of choice until well after the Protestant Revolt, and the fall of Medieval Catholic Christendom (due to technological limitations, not gun control laws) - so discussing gun control at that time is rather anachronistic and irrelevant - sort of like saying "There wasn't a love for the automobile in Medieval Christendom."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don John of Austria

And actually Catholic nations of the middle ages not only didn't forbid the keeping of arms but actually required there keeping, Medieval England actually went so far as to set up archery ranges just outside the churchs so that all the men could pratice after mass-- the list of Arms that was required in eEgland was actually quite extensive, Spain was much the same, I will try and find a referance for this tomarrow---
PopepiusX that is a very nice gun collection!

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I love guns too! It's our right! May God Bless the Second Amendment! :)
Also, the ban on numerous assualt rifles has been lifted! May God also Bless the Bush Administration. :)

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[quote]What "gun control" people fail to realize is that it is not the people who want guns legally that we have to worry about.

The problem is not guns or gun control... the problem is criminals. Criminals will always have access to illegal guns. They will always get them one way or another.

How about knife control? There are many more stabbings than there are shootings. We need knife control now... we should make it illegal to sell knives and even have knives! There is no reason why anyone would need a knife, they just use them to kill people anyway! Look at 9/11, terrorist took the plane with box cutters! Anyone can pick up a box cutter at almost any department store or hardware store! The sky is falling!

Shooting is fun. People who get guns the legal way, no matter what type of gun are not the people we need to worry about. To cry gun control, when there already is plenty of gun control is foolish.[/quote]


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