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Sola scriptura - food for thought


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Yes, the Apostles were special people and wrote the inspired word of God but where is it taught that all that was quite apparently being transmitted orally was in fact written down, including especially the understanding of what was written. You see there is a problem. The first time my wife told me to go to the grocery store to get milk in this neighborhood she gave me details of where to go. I had to drive the car and I recieved instructions both orally and in writing long ago about how to drive that car. Another written book of which I also recieved some oral instruction told me how to care for it so that it is in good shape to go get the milk. Now she just says "go get some milk". I don't need the rest of it. Well all of the letters were written to established Christian communities so why would these have to contain explicit text about the teachings of the early church. Granted I find it all implicitly stated.

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Yeh man, that's it ay :D.

An extreme example what you're talking about is the whole, 'where does any1 go to the bathroom' in scripture scenario? Well, so the logic follows for being "scripture alone", if the Bible doesn't say go to the bathroom you CANT go!!!

It says in places in the NT, i dunno any of the verses off by heart, that there are other things that the writers didn't write down the Christ taught - aint that just a big-darn-cracker of a pickle for our poor sola scripturian brethren. Cuz, if we want to be total followers of Jesus we want to know ALL He commands of us.

Besides, it's just plain illogical to think that the writers wrote down EVERYTHING Christ EVER taught his disciples and apostles. If all God gave us was a book then i'd be a hopeless wreck...i might even become a buddhist...because a book to me is meaningless unless it is explained by the person who wrote it. An interesting philosophical concept to back this up is that 'the meaning of something is not found in itself'. Eg, humans don't contain in us the meaning of our existence, God contains it. Same applies to Scripture.

Getting, however, a sola scripturian to believe all that is another story...that's where prayer takes over :). I'm tired of dunking protestants in the trough that they won't drink from (i mean that in the most honest and charitable way possible). I feel bad for all the folk i have turned away with my viciousness in arguments over religion.


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