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Keep Arlen Specter From the Judiciary Committee


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Dear Phatmassers,

President Bush's election is a small victory for we pro-lifers, as he's shown himself willing to limit funding for both domestic and international abortion. Perhaps more importantly, he's shown himself willing to appoint pro-life judges (in the vein of Justice Clarence Thomas, who believes that Roe v. Wade should be overturned). President Bush cannot do this without the approval of Congress. There has been talk recently of Arlen Specter getting a chair in the Judiciary Committee. Specter will make all judicial appointees pass a pro-choice litmus test. We pro-lifers can't be having any of that, so this is our time to act! You can do so by [url="http://frist.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=AboutSenatorFrist.ContactForm"]emailing Senator Frist[/url], the Senate Majority Leader. I will post the email I sent Senator Frist; you can model your email after mine if you'd like. The bottom line is that it's vitally important for us to act.


Dear Senator Frist:

As the Senate Majority Leader, you have an obligation to all citizens of the United States of America. That being said, I'd like to ask you to do all in your power to keep Arlen Specter from a chair in the Judiciary Committee. He has shown himself unwilling to appoint judges who would prohibit or limit abortion, which is out of step from the more moderate to conservative beliefs of many Americans, as this past election has shown. Specter has decided to make all judicial appointees pass a litmus test, and if they are not unabashedly pro-choice, Specter will do all he can to prevent their appointments. As an American who opposes abortion, I can't honestly say I agree with this. I would be very upset if Specter wins a chair in the Judiciary Committee, as I'm sure many Americans would be. If this election has shown us anything, it's that the majority of America opposes radical policies from the Left. I trust that you'll act with the mind of the American majority and keep Specter off the Committee.

Sincerely yours,

Jennifer L. Benjamin


dUSt (or any other moderator), could you please pin this?

God bless,


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hmmm . . . do we have any hard fact about specter? I've heard rumors in the past day that he is on every side of the spectrum: one person says he's moderately conservative about his judicial choices, another says he's far-left liberal. What is this guy? (aside from a spector . . . he's just a shade that we can't see clearly!)

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[quote name='MagiDragon' date='Nov 5 2004, 02:06 AM'] hmmm . . . do we have any hard fact about specter? I've heard rumors in the past day that he is on every side of the spectrum: one person says he's moderately conservative about his judicial choices, another says he's far-left liberal. What is this guy? (aside from a spector . . . he's just a shade that we can't see clearly!) [/quote]
Hi MagiDragon,

Well, I basically got Senator Frist's email address off of [url="http://markshea.blogspot.com"]Mark Shea's blog[/url]. He was urging all pro-lifers to email Senator Frist about Arlen Specter. You can read about Specter [url="http://www.nationalreview.com/thecorner/04_11_04_corner-archive.asp#045248"]here[/url] and [url="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6405485/"]here[/url].

God bless,


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All you have to do is check out Specter's past actions with regard to judges and you will see that he does not support pro-life judges. This is perfectly consistent with his voting record which is virtually indistinguishable from that of Ted Kennedy.

Beenabobba, thanks for the links. Everyone needs to write. If Specter gets in there, the success of this weeks election could be seriously diminished.

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Thy Geekdom Come


Dear Senator Frist,

As the Senate Majority Leader, you are obliged to protect the interests of all American citizens. As a doctor, you are obliged to protect the lives of all Americans. Given those obligations, I humbly request that you do all you are able to keep Arlen Specter from gaining a chair on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator Specter has repeatedly been against the appointment of any judges who would prohibit or limit abortion, thus, to the despair of the majority of Americans, your constituents, opposing the will of the people and the unyielding truth of natural law. The senator has consistently held all judicial candidates to pass an inspection assuring that they are completely in favor of the relentless slaughter and mismanagement of power and authority and duty to protect which has plagued our nation since 1973. As an American citizen, I cannot stand silent and allow the appointment of a man so unreservedly against his people on such a crucial matter to be appointed a chair in the Senate Judiciary Committee. What we have learned from this election is what has humbled the leftist extreme of our government; it is that we do not accept their policies and that we do not accept their conceited snubbing of our voices and deafening of their ears. I take confidence in the providence God has shown us in giving such strong support to the group which can make the most difference in our moral atmosphere. Please do not let this change, this opportunity, go to waste. It is vital that you do all within your power to keep Senator Arlen Specter from gaining such a stronghold of power in our government. Yes, I go even to the point of calling it vital--4,000 lives depend on it each day of each year.

Sincerely yours,

Micah J. Murphy

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[quote name='marielapin' date='Nov 5 2004, 05:00 AM'] Letter: Sent. Thanks for posting this, BB [/quote]
You're welcome. Thanks for sending Senator Frist a letter.

God bless,


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This is what it says on the site... so can I still write an email?

Please note: If you are not a resident of Tennessee, the tradition of Senatorial courtesy calls upon all Senators to allow each elected member the opportunity to assist constituents within his or her state. Please contact the Senator or Congressman from your state of residence. You will find a list of contact information for United States Senators at [url="http://www.senate.gov"]http://www.senate.gov[/url], and for United States Congressmen at [url="http://www.house.gov"]http://www.house.gov[/url].

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[quote name='the_rev' date='Nov 5 2004, 08:41 AM'] Please note: If you are not a resident of Tennessee, the tradition of Senatorial courtesy calls upon all Senators to allow each elected member the opportunity to assist constituents within his or her state. Please contact the Senator or Congressman from your state of residence. You will find a list of contact information for United States Senators at [url="http://www.senate.gov"]http://www.senate.gov[/url], and for United States Congressmen at [url="http://www.house.gov"]http://www.house.gov[/url]. [/quote]
<_< It's a lost cause to email my senators. Susan Collins is just another pro-abortion Catholic-in-name-only. Snowe isn't much better...

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='the_rev' date='Nov 5 2004, 08:41 AM'] This is what it says on the site... so can I still write an email?

Please note: If you are not a resident of Tennessee, the tradition of Senatorial courtesy calls upon all Senators to allow each elected member the opportunity to assist constituents within his or her state. Please contact the Senator or Congressman from your state of residence. You will find a list of contact information for United States Senators at [url="http://www.senate.gov"]http://www.senate.gov[/url], and for United States Congressmen at [url="http://www.house.gov"]http://www.house.gov[/url]. [/quote]
Typical politicians...the form includes a place for city and state...I assume they don't just mean Tennessee...

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[quote name='the_rev' date='Nov 5 2004, 09:41 AM'] This is what it says on the site... so can I still write an email?

Please note: If you are not a resident of Tennessee, the tradition of Senatorial courtesy calls upon all Senators to allow each elected member the opportunity to assist constituents within his or her state. Please contact the Senator or Congressman from your state of residence. You will find a list of contact information for United States Senators at [url="http://www.senate.gov"]http://www.senate.gov[/url], and for United States Congressmen at [url="http://www.house.gov"]http://www.house.gov[/url]. [/quote]
Hi Eddie,

Yes, I think you can still write. Senator Frist is the Senate Majority Leader, so his decisions affect all of us. Mark Shea's not infallible or anything, but I don't think he would have posted this on his blog if it was wrong to email Senator Frist.

God bless,


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Dear Senator Frist,

I am writing to you this day because since you are the Senate Majority Leader, you would be the appropriate person to whom to bring this up. I, as a Roman Catholic, have the belief that all life is sacred, from conception to natural death. As a young Republican, and an aspiring politician, I write to you with my concerns about Arlen Specter. If Arlen Specter is appointed to the Judiciary Committee, the Culture of Death, which has been happening since 1973, will continue. Since President Bush has been re-elected, the chances of getting Roe v. Wade overturned rises greatly. With the future appointment of Supreme Court justices either due to retirement or for other reasons, I bring the concern of the pro-choice Senator Arlen Sepcter. If he is appointed to the Judiciary committee, Conservative Supreme Court Justices, would highly be approved with this Senator. I ask you to look over these facts, and remember the countless numbers of babies which are killed through abortion. As an American citizen, it is my right to voice my opinion, and make this known to you. Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,

Eddie L.

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