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Patron Saint of Phatmass?

Lil Red

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Shouldn't we have a patron saint of phatmass? And if we already do, what is it? But if we don't, do you have any suggestions?

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Thy Geekdom Come

I'd go with Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception...you can't get any better a patron saint than Our Lady.

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[quote name='Tony' date='Nov 4 2004, 12:25 PM'] didnt dust have a poll about this a while back? few months or so [/quote]
did he? i don't remember... :huh:

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Nov 4 2004, 02:28 PM'] isn't there a patron saint of the internet? [/quote]
Al Gore. He did invent it, after all.


I'd say the Holy Mother. She's wonderful.

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Fed up with hackers, a flood of spam and lousy connections, Italian Roman Catholics have launched a search for a patron saint of the Internet. And they hope their online poll will yield a holy Web protector by Easter.

Saint Isadore of Seville, Saint Clare of Assisi and Archangel Gabriel are in the running to be the patron saint of the Internet.

The Vatican, however, is keeping mum on whether it will indeed take up the idea of assigning a saint to the Internet. (CNN)

Isidore of Seville, Patronage
computer technicians, computer users, computers, [color=red]the Internet[/color], schoolchildren, students

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Saint Isidore of Seville

BARCELONA, JAN 14 (ZENIT).- Although computer experts are not known for expressing their spiritual preferences, the Observation Service for Internet (http:/www.ua-ambit.org/soi/soi.htm), an initiative inspired by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, has carried out research in different realms of the world of computers and cyberspace to discover the saint who best reflects the concerns and ideals of the experts.

The patron chosen by the pioneers of the new frontier of technology is Saint Isidore, who was born in Seville, Spain in 556.

"The saint who wrote the well-known 'Etymologies' (a type of dictionary), gave his work a structure akin to that of the database. He began a system of thought known today as "flashes;" it is very modern, notwithstanding the fact it was discovered in the sixth century. Saint Isidore accomplished his work with great coherence: it is complete and its features are complementary in themselves."

But this is not the only reason Saint Isidore is identified with computer experts. The Saint from Seville "was ahead of his time and constituted a cultural bridge between the Ancient and Medieval Ages. This also makes us feel close to him, as we are at the beginning of a new stage in history," explained one of the experts interviewed by the Observation Service of Internet.

Saint Isidore was a key figure at the Council of Toledo, in 633. He was known for his concern for the proper formation of the clergy, for his generosity to the poor and for his humility: when he knew he was dying he asked publicly for forgiveness for the faults of his past life. He died a holy death on April 4, 636. This doctor of the Church had three siblings who were also saints: Saint Leandro, his predecessor in the Episcopal seat of Seville; Saint Fulgencio and Saint Florentina.

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[b]Also known as [/b]
Isidore the Bishop; Schoolmaster of the Middle Ages

[b]Memorial [/b]
4 April

[b]Profile [/b]
Son of Severianus and Theodora, known for their piety. Brother of Saint Fulgentius, Saint Florentina, and Saint Leander of Seville, who raised him after their father's death. Initially a poor student, he gave the problem over to God and became one of the most learned men of his time. Priest. Helped his brother Leander, archbishop of Seville, in the conversion the Visigoth Arians. Hermit.

Archbishop of Seville c.601, succeeding his brother to the position. Teacher, founder, reformer. Required seminaries in every diocese, wrote a rule for religious orders. Prolific writer including a dictionary, an encyclopedia, a history of Goths, and a history of the world beginning with creation. Completed the Mozarabic liturgy which is still in use in Toledo, Spain. Presided at the Second Council of Seville, and the Fourth Council of Toledo. Introduced the works of Aristotle to Spain.

Proclaimed Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XIV in 1722, and became the leading candidate for patron of computer users and the Internet in 1999.

[b]Born [/b]
c.560 at Cartagena, Spain

[b]Died [/b]
4 April 636 at Seville, Spain

[b]Patronage [/b]
computer technicians, computer users, computers, the Internet, schoolchildren, students

[b]Representation [/b]
bees; bishop holding a pen surrounded by a swarm of bees; bishop standing near a beehive; old bishop with a prince at his feet; pen; priest or bishop with pen and book; with Saint Leander, Saint Fulgentius, and Saint Florentina; with his Etymologia

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