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Dogs and Cats Living together


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I've seen many posts on both sides discussing the issue "are Catholics Christian?" over the years. Last night I recieved an email from a Baptist pastor I know who said at the end basically we're going to disagree but "I consider you a brother in Christ". This struck me. I believe that a small piece of what looks like bread and something that tastes like wine is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I bow down before it and worship IT. If they are true to their beliefs I am not even a Christian if I am wrong. By their standards I am going to hell and it is out of a false love that they would not engage me in the conversation on truth. This is not concern for my soul but concern for my feelings.

We of course as Catholics should examine ourselves against the scriptures to see if these things are true as the bereans did. We have a solomon obligation as the Protestant rightly tell us to ensure that these things are true. But of all the solid Biblical Catholic beliefs the one on the Eucharist is just as solid biblically whether they can see it or not. "This saying is hard. Who can bear it" said the Jews. By the grace of God we do.

I encourage them to engage in the conversation. For it is in engaging in the conversation that I can present the truth and the truth will eventually win out.

Just some food for thought. Your comments are welcome.



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[quote name='thessalonian' date='Nov 4 2004, 01:37 PM'] God Bless mulls. :P [/quote]
LOL :rolling:

when i first looked a the forum topic i thought it was literally about cats and dogs living in the same household

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[quote name='Shadow' date='Nov 4 2004, 03:38 PM'] LOL :rolling:

when i first looked a the forum topic i thought it was literally about cats and dogs living in the same household [/quote]
lol I thought that's what it was about also lol so I was about to put my Pre Vet studies to the test lol

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[quote name='StColette' date='Nov 4 2004, 03:55 PM'] lol I thought that's what it was about also lol so I was about to put my Pre Vet studies to the test lol [/quote]
haha! great minds think alike ^_^

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