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If Bush loses

Guest Aluigi

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Ash Wednesday

If Kerry won, I would be upset, but I would try to focus on the positive: first, it would mean no Hillary 08. It would also shove the issue of Catholic politicians obeying the church into the spotlight. If Kerry continues his track record on abortion so high in public office he would probably end up getting formally excommunicated.

Alan Keyes probably hurt himself by his harsh rhetoric -- like calling Mary Cheney a selfish hedonist. I hear he is a staunch Catholic that speaks his mind and isn't afraid to tell things like they are -- unfortunately that probably scared people away.

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Nov 2 2004, 09:47 PM'] Alan Keyes probably hurt himself by his harsh rhetoric -- like calling Mary Cheney a selfish hedonist. I hear he is a staunch Catholic that speaks his mind and isn't afraid to tell things like they are -- unfortunately that probably scared people away. [/quote]
I would say that, but also, IL is pretty centre of the road and Keyes is way too far right for IL. It is telling zero IL papers endored him.

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='Iacobus' date='Nov 2 2004, 09:51 PM'] I would say that, but also, IL is pretty centre of the road and Keyes is way too far right for IL. It is telling zero IL papers endored him. [/quote]
Some righties call it the "people's republic of illinois" but I think a lot of it is Chicago. But you're right. Obama probably seemed more moderate. If he's a Democrat with Christian values and comes across as moderate they tend to fare better with voters. (Like Clinton and Carter...)

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You all are looking at this all wrong...

If Kerry wins then he's going to be in a living H-E-Double Hockey Sticks b/c the majority is Republican and he won't get ANYTHING passed. It's just plain and simple. It'll be just like Clinton in his second term.

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yeah and then the republicans will just have to keep blocking all his judicial nominess, whereas if bush was there the repubs would put Bush's judicial nominees right through

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plus, concern for Kerry's soul. if he is president on a platform of protecting womens' right to kill he will be far less likely to repent and thus will be excommunicated from the Catholic Church

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yeah, Remnant, and it'd be an even greater headline if he ended up changing his stance because of the threat of excommunication (which is what excommunication is designed to do, cause repentence).. but if he was president and changed because of the Church people would cry false campaign and seperation of Church and state, so Kerry probably wouldn't repent because it'd be political suicide.. it's more likely for him to repent if he looses this election.

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