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ra ra ra don't post on my post! i really has to seriousness to it! I guess i am appaled @ a lot that is being said... answer the real questoon...

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  Trooper4DaHolyG said:
with Jesus as a foundation what have I to worry?

with Paul as your foundation what have you to worry?

oh wooops, yeah theres alot!

I've got nothing to worry about. Jesus is the Cornerstone. Jesus Christ, True God and True Man is also the Ominipotent and Perfect Builder and Creator of All and He chose Peter, (who is His creation) to be an instrument of His Perfect Grace and serve Him as the Foundation of His Church that also has the Divinity of Jesus Christ as the Foundation.

God isn't limited like humans are. His Church has been here for 2.000+ years. He's keeping the light on for ya...

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  Trooper4DaHolyG said:
ra ra ra don't post on my post! i really has to seriousness to it! I guess i am appaled @ a lot that is being said... answer the real questoon...

If I'm frustrating you, tell me what your real question is without sarcasm and innuendo. If I'm just ticking you off, go slam me on the YAB and feel better about yourself.

I, and almost everyone else here, are more than willing to honestly and impassionately answer an honest questions posed by an open minded person. There have been lot's of non-Catholics (Christian and otherwise) that have come, asked questions, given opinions, mutually enlighted each other, and left with answers with no body getting upset or angry. We can do the same for you, if you are willing...

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  skuba steve said:
the body of christ isn't made up soley of buttocks.

So, Steve,

Let me see if I get you straight:

Any denomination calling itself "Christian" is a member of the Mystical Body of Christ, and the Catholic Church happens to be the buttocks?"

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  jasJis said:
If I'm frustrating you, tell me what your real question is without sarcasm and innuendo.  If I'm just ticking you off, go slam me on the YAB and feel better about yourself.

I, and almost everyone else here, are more than willing to honestly and impassionately answer an honest questions posed by an open minded person.  There have been lot's of non-Catholics (Christian and otherwise) that have come, asked questions, given opinions, mutually enlighted each other, and left with answers with no body getting upset or angry.  We can do the same for you, if you are willing...

slam you?

you came to conquer and you unfortunately failed! i asked you to come back and express your views. you never corrected your misquoting of hebrews and adressed many issues as weak. It suxed for you you are not the one and only ambasador for Catholicism but there is a strong number of young Christians who had to be show different or they would have been more lost than before...

whenever i get involved in a post it comes personal, "oh! the protestant said this lets bag him and place him in JOHN 6". right thanks pplz!

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  Anna said:
So, Steve,

Let me see if I get you straight:

Any denomination calling itself "Christian" is a member of the Mystical Body of Christ, and the Catholic Church happens to be the buttocks?"

i doubt that you got it straight! but hey quite nice humour!

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  Trooper4DaHolyG said:
Wow my Church is built on Jesus as our foundation, have fun with Peter a mere man as yours....

Yes, but Christ's Church is built upon Peter. ;)

(Not my words, HIS.)

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You see, Trooper,

That is the Catholic's whole problem with Protestantism: Men keep establishing their own churches, founded upon their interpretations of Scripture.

But Christ already founded a Church, which these men rejected.

"You are Cephas (Rock) and upon this rock, I will build MY CHURCH."

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from other posts you know where i stand on that verse. I am unmovable from my spot unfortunatelym it is nice although 2 know what u think.

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  Trooper4DaHolyG said:
from other posts you know where i stand on that verse. I am unmovable from my spot unfortunatelym it is nice although 2 know what u think.

But what if you were wrong? Ask yourself that question -- What if?

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  Trooper4DaHolyG said:
from other posts you know where i stand on that verse. I am unmovable from my spot unfortunatelym it is nice although 2 know what u think.

Of course as a protester your personal opinion will always outrank Scripture.

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  Trooper4DaHolyG said:
from other posts you know where i stand on that verse. I am unmovable from my spot unfortunatelym it is nice although 2 know what u think.

That saddens me. You have the God given dignity of free will to stand where You want. I know that not a single one of us can move you. It is Grace that does the moving. As Catholics, we can only pray that God will continue to provide you additional Graces to move you where He wants you to be. As Catholics, we also know and understand that God does not force His will on you. You have free will to reject His gifts of Grace, but you cannot frustrate His will. The Graces sufficient for Salvation are always offered to you by Him. We pray that we may be instruments of His Grace. We are His tools, but not the Potter. You are here because God wanted you here. What you accept of what He offers is up to you.

By the way, I'm also still waiting for reasonable discussion at YAB. Why don't you ask me here?

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WE can be wrong about many things in our lives.

But God is never wrong.

If He said He left us a Church , then He did.

If He said the gates of hell will not prevail, then they won't.

If He told Peter he was the rock , then he was.

If He said there was one faith and one baptism, then that is the way it is.

God is emeth.

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I think a big thing here is what we mean by "church"

I believe that the church referred to is the body of all believers, not just one demonination (in this case the catholic church).

It's obvious from the beginning of the book of Acts that Jesus used Peter hugely when He built His church.

But does this mean that your church is any better than mine now? I would say no, because we're all part of God's family, and we're all part of the Church that God is still building, and 2000 years ago He used Peter to lead.

(by the way, if anyone's interested, I have some notes here from a talk I did at college earlier this year about Peter as a disciple of Christ, might help you understand a bit more where I'm coming from)

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