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What makes a good President?


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[quote name='J.R.D' date='Nov 2 2004, 12:40 AM'] A lot of adults were asking that question today for the Elections tomarrow

So if you can tell me before we find out whos President

Please :D [/quote]
What makes a good president.
[*]Someone who sticks to what they say they believe
[*]Someone who really believes Christ is the Son of God
[*]Someone who respects the Pope
[*]Someone who will not change their "view" because the polls say to.
[*]Someone who did not commit treason to the USA in Vietnam.
[*]Someone who did not demand a Purple Heart for a bandaid.
[*]Someone who does not try to use the Catholic people.
[*]Someone who has been married once and not divorced

God Bless,

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Someone who is not going to be tried for heresy by his own Church.

Someone who has the guts to have an opinion before he gets the poll results.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Nov 2 2004, 11:31 AM'] Someone who is not going to be tried for heresy by his own Church.

Someone who has the guts to have an opinion before he gets the poll results. [/quote]

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[quote name='Balthazor' date='Nov 2 2004, 08:29 PM'] Someone who listens to the Pope on issues like war AND abortion.

hmmm....looks like I don't have a candidate [/quote]
The war was justified. Please see the Catechism.... also search look for the post I did on it for the direct numbers to the Catechism.

The Pope is not infallible when it comes to discipline. The war was a disciplinary measure.

God Bless,

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According to every poli-sci course I have taken. and every book on international politics I have read...the war was a pre-emptive strike and not there-fore a "just" war. Beyond that I do not believe that war was justified. Yes Saddam was an evil dictator, yes he should not be in power...no the war was not a just one.

JPII was right....he knows his Catechism and he knows his politics.
I know he is not infallable on this one, but he was right about it none the less.

God Bless,

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I think that Catholic doctrine pretty clearly makes a pre-emptive war illicit. The vast majority of theologians and Catholics, including the Pope (who, although not infallible in this issue, I believe speaks for the Church... how could he not... he's the pope!) would say that it is wrong as well.

It's not crucial... people make mistakes... it doesn't mean you should vote against the guy and it says little about his character, especially when considering the circumstances leading up to the war. He should have listened to Powell over Rumsfeld, that's all.

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there was no possible candidate who followed it on both of those, kerry followed neither bush follows the one that is very clearly defined as always and everywhere evil.

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