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grass roots and social change


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Just thought I would throw something out here to chew on....

As much as I would like to believe that an anti-abortion president will make a difference.....well lets just say actual results may vary. I mean I appreciate that Bush SAYS he is anti-abortion, but has he really dented the numbers of abortions that occur each day? <_<

I want to stop abortion.......but I think we have got to do more to stop it and stop the wishful thinking that one man is going to change this.
And as for the supreme court, History has shown that top-down supreme court decisions don't work unless society is ready for them. Read in here the civil rights movement. In other words if we want to stop abortion we have to start at the grass roots, a peoples movement that would embody the outrage of our society.

We expect legislation to change society, but in reality it is society that changes our legislation.


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Start preaching the Gospel to all who you meet,

Don't shrink from announcing Christ.

St. Paul says (Romans 8) that if you are not of the spirit you can not understand things of the spirit.

Abortion, contraception etc. are things which many people simply will not understand. They refuse, or they can not, becauser their minds and souls are darlkened.

The only answer is Christ.

Convert people to Christ and you convert people to pro-life.

Jesus is the answer.

Jesus is grassroots.

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