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Should GPAs be weighted?  

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I am mad right now at my school. Currently, I am in the running for one of the top 4 spots in my high school and, in most places, would be able to grab one of the top two. Currently, I have a 3.93 (unweighted) GPA for the past 3 years. So the running is rather close.

What gets me is the Report card I got today. They gave me a 3.636 GPA and that just made me mad. You see, I am taking 3 AP classes and an honor's class. I only have one "regular" class on my GPA. Over the past few years there have been a few teachers and parents trying to get the GPA's weighted but the office comes back, always, "It would be too much work." The office workers spend time making personal phone calls during school when lines are forming... yeh... too much work.

But when I calcuated out my GPA (weighted) it was 4.167 if I weight only the APs. 4.333 if I weight the honors.

Know, this isn't going to throw me down to the bottom of my class, but it isn't going to let me gain on the kids who got a 4.0 (unweighted) with only one AP. I know Matt didn't take AP English because he was scared to risk him GPA, he also wants to get number 1 or 2. Kara didn't take more than one AP because she wanted to be in classes with her boyfriend. So I take all the APs I can, and get a B in AP Chem, which is probly the hardest class in the system, and am penilized when compered to those kids.

I don't know, am I just being crazy and irrational here, or should they be wieghting our scores?

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That's weird! Do they not "count" the AP classes into your GPA??? Everyone at my school that takes an AP class and ends up w/ any GPA over 4.00 is counted as 1st spot. (some of my friends are taking AP chem-from what I've heard, it is quite difficulg)

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my school doesnt send out ranks on the transcripts b/c anyone who has below a 3.6 is in the bottom 50% percentile......not because of grade inflation, but becasue we are INSANELY competitive. we are the top school in the state and one of the top in the nation.....

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My class is REALLY competative! You can't have below a 3.6 and still be in the top half, and even though I have have a 3.94, I'm sixth!! It's SO frustrating!!!

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get over yourself, you are still going to get into pretty much any college graduating in the top 4 of your class......

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Mary's Knight, La

I think they should be weighted because there is a difference in the academic levels between AP, Gifted, Honors, and normal classes. Where I went that was the way it worked from top down, and if you're going to take the tougher classes you should definitely get more credit for it.

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i think the should be wighted bc it isnt fair that the honors and AP classses get harder tests and more homework, essays and that sort of stuff. if they are unwieghted then it might show that u get a higher GPA then someone who IS in a harder course

my school only counts some honors....and i am extremely frustrated <_<

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Rankings smell of elderberries. My school had weighted...but I only graduated with 27 girls, and had a pretty high gpa. I don't remember what anymore because it was 4 years ago. But I ended up being 4th which isn't even in the top 10%. I lost out on some scholarships because of it. oh well. doesn't matter anymore.

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[quote name='VoloHumilisEsse' date='Nov 1 2004, 06:29 PM'] get over yourself, you are still going to get into pretty much any college graduating in the top 4 of your class...... [/quote]
Yeh... but I want to give a speech at graduation, lol.

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I had a 4.25 in highschool and I'm ashamed to say it (although I'm proud to say that I got all As). Its stupid to weight AP classes and it looks even worse to have more than a 4.0/4.0. It looks illogical and like you are trying to pad your GPA. Sure, the classes are harder, but you choose to take these classes, knowing they are college level. If harder classes mean they are worth more, then gym should not be the same weight as trig.

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Maybe people who graduate from college with an engineering degree should have a higher GPA because the classes are harder than those studying physical education.

Its not solely the GPA, its the degree and your classes that show your intelligence.

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[quote name='marielapin' date='Nov 2 2004, 12:28 AM'] it looks even worse to have more than a 4.0/4.0. It looks illogical and like you are trying to pad your GPA. [/quote]
my school had a formula to convert gpa to a 4.0 scale for college applications because some schools only want your gpa on a 4.0 scale.

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My high school had unweighted GPAs, I didn't mind even though I did take AP classes.

I like the way college does it though. If it's a 4 hour class and you get a 4 you get 16 pts, if it's a three hour class and you get a 4 you get 12 pts and so fourth, then they do crazy average things. But basically the more hours a class is worth the more it influences your GPA. That and they have numeric values for A-, B+, B-, C+, etc. We didn't have that in high school, a 4 was a 4 was a 4, no matter how close you were to a 3 or a 5 (we had a 6 point system).

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