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I support and fully sponsor Kerry


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My first post how exciting!

We'll I'm a loose Catholic/Deist and very liberal. On the edge of being hypocritical but not quite there yet.

I support John Kerry on this election completely and I feel very confident that he is the man to get us out of the situation we are living in.

Bush is a wack job who got his job because his media friends gave him a boost. We live on a time where talking bad about our president only makes us unpatriotic and anti-american. That is as far from the truth as It can be. It's that very liberty that makes America great and it's the very fact that people can object to our president that makes us as patriotic as any American flag waving citizen out there.

Many have gone to great lenghts to say that basically Jesus sponsors Bush. That right there is as low as religious people can get. I don't understand if it's just incompetence in the understanding of our Constitution or the recent religious hype that has been happening. Yes I call it hype. "Jesus is my friend" and "I'm Christian" shirts are pure propaganda. The Church, which was once respected is now becoming more and more an issue of being popular. Not only the Catholic church but many other Protestant religions. Religion is pure hype now adays.

Back on topic, we now have a President that is capturing peoples minds with his agenda of "Christianity is the way I'll rule this country" Which to me is purely unconstitutional and that alone makes him unfit for president. A president must understand that not every citizen of this country is a Christian. He must understand that the decisions he makes must only add to the liberty of this country and not take it away.

As citizens we have no right to forcefully project our views and beliefs unto others. It's wrong and it's as far from patriotic as anything.

I feel that abortion is wrong and it shouldn't be happening. But that doesn't mean I'm going to force a woman to make that decision. It's her body and her conscience at work there and I feel that any grown woman has the capacity to make her own decisions as she sees fit.

Instead of focusing on "abstinence" and why not to have sex like Bush has we should FACE THE FACTS. Teens are not thinking twice about having sex and instead of making it impossible to have safe sex we should be more broad and actually tell them of ways to have sex without risking a child's life.

The war on terror has lost it's track with Iraq. Osama Bin Laden is still alive and well. Many Pro-bush people are coming out to say that Osama endorses Kerry which is very stupid and naive. Osama attacked us because of our policy. Our policy which has been around before clinton and during the Bush Sr. era when we supported Iraq and then switched to sponsor the Christian country of Israel. We are not fighting a country or a group of citizens. These Muslims are fighting for their religion and views and they will stop at nothing, just like Christians would to defend it.

Bush has made a mockery of our once respected country by the acts he has commited. He favors the rich instead of helping the ones who need it more and has gone as far as to prohibiting liberty by trying to ban gay marriage-which has nothing to do with it's religious counterpart.

And for the final note Republicans are known to run dirty politics. Bush has had his people focusing on anything but the issues and is running the worst smear campaign ever.

Who's to say cheaters never prosper? The way things are today they could become president one day.

Edited by SirMyztiq
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How very sad that this is written the day after the Feast of Christ the King.

Religious truth and reality is just like Physical laws (gravity, etc;). If we jump off the cliff and flap our arms in an attempt to fly, we know what will happen. If we attempt to thwart the Commandments, or act like God is not soveregn over individuals and nations, we will not sow peace, but a world in which the best we can do is to let babies be killed by their own mothers, in what should be the safest of harbors, a woman's own womb.

But you hit the point perfectly: To let "Christianity" rule America is against its own Constitution!

The dogma of the Social Kingship of Christ says: that He is King of Nations; of public life; the public square; of culture and laws.

This is either what most of us do not want - and those that do have great trouble imagining in our day and age, what this kind of America and world would be like.

Welcome to Phatmass.

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Welcome to Phatmass. Your post is full of over-simplifications and misunderstandings, if not outright errors. To start, Israel is a Jewish nation, not a Christian one.
The people here on Phatmass do not believe in 'liberal' or 'conservative.' There is 'Catholic' and 'not-Catholic.' These things are determined by the teachings of our priests, bishops and popes, Scripture, Canon Law, and Sacred Tradition. Some of the ideas you are espousing are decidedly not Catholic. There are more educated people here who will help you, I'm sure.

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To support Kerry is to support the murder of children, to support Kerry is to dishoner any veteran of any war.

Why would anyone want to brag about that is beyond me.

".whenever statesmen forsake their own private
conscience for the sake of their public duties -
they lead their country by a short route to chaos."
St Thomas More

One is either a faithful Catholic or an unfaithful Catholic.

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some people just don't like to examine their motivations. If they realized they weren't doing the right thing it would probably make them feel bad so they refuse to examine that particular issue. Of course, some people are just no-goodniks.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Nov 1 2004, 09:25 AM'] To support Kerry is to support the murder of children, to support Kerry is to dishoner any veteran of any war.

Why would anyone want to brag about that is beyond me.

".whenever statesmen forsake their own private
conscience for the sake of their public duties -
they lead their country by a short route to chaos."
St Thomas More

One is either a faithful Catholic or an unfaithful Catholic. [/quote]
how is showing support for kerry, showing dishonor for veterans

i dont think im dishonoring my grandfather at all...

please explain to me

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Nov 1 2004, 10:25 AM'] ".whenever statesmen forsake their own private
conscience for the sake of their public duties -
they lead their country by a short route to chaos."
St Thomas More [/quote]
Great quote :cool:

Some people will just never change their minds. We need to pray God will change their hearts.

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[quote name='SirMyztiq']We'll I'm a loose Catholic/Deist and very liberal. On the edge of being hypocritical but not quite there yet.[/quote]
I'm not going to judge you, because I've recently and in the past held beliefs that are contrary to the teaching of the Church. But I am going to look at what you posted objectively and tell you what I think of it -- and you can take what I think, or you can leave it. It'll be up to you. :)

Deism is the belief that God created the universe and set it into motion, and then walked away and left it to its own devices, not to interfere with it again. Christianity, by its very definition, is the opposite: it is the belief that God created human beings in His own image and likeness, that He desired a perfect relationship with us, that we fell from His grace and rejected that relationship with Him, that He made a covenant with Israel to prepare the world for a New Covenant that would re-establish that relationship, that in the fullness of time He sent His only Son to teach us the Way to holiness, that His Son died for our sins, and that He rose to new life on Easter with the promise of new life to all who believe in Him and follow His Way, and that He established His Church to proclaim His Good News after His Ascension so that the whole world could have the opportunity to believe in Him and thus attain eternal life. Obviously, there's more to Christianity, but that's the essential part of it -- the total opposite of Deism.

So I don't really see how anyone could be both Catholic and Deist -- could you elaborate?

[quote name='SirMyztiq']Bush is a wack job who got his job because his media friends gave him a boost. We live on a time where talking bad about our president only makes us unpatriotic and anti-american. That is as far from the truth as It can be. It's that very liberty that makes America great and it's the very fact that people can object to our president that makes us as patriotic as any American flag waving citizen out there.[/quote]
I don't disagree with you about President Bush or true patriotism, which is not blindly following your leader into anything. That's the total opposite of patriotism in this country.

[quote name='SirMyztiq']Back on topic, we now have a President that is capturing peoples minds with his agenda of "Christianity is the way I'll rule this country" Which to me is purely unconstitutional and that alone makes him unfit for president. A president must understand that not every citizen of this country is a Christian. He must understand that the decisions he makes must only add to the liberty of this country and not take it away.

As citizens we have no right to forcefully project our views and beliefs unto others. It's wrong and it's as far from patriotic as anything.[/quote]
Some things, while they are articles of the Catholic faith, are not just articles of faith. For instance, the right to life certainly is an article of the Catholic faith -- but it is also scientific fact that a human being becomes a human being at conception, and that ending the life of an unborn child is the killing of a human being. That's scientific fact, not faith. Besides being an article of faith, the right to life is the first right enumerated in the Declaration of Independence . . . it stands to reason that the founding fathers intended all human beings, from conception to natural death, to have the right to life. Regardless of whether or not they intended it, however, there is a natural law that supercedes the law of any nation -- and the natural law dictates that every human being from conception to natural death has the right to life. This right must supercede all others, and without the right to life the rest of the rights in the Constitution are nullified. There can be no rights without the foundational right: the right to life.

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First off welcome to Phatmass.

i would have to agree with Burkefan, you seem to be more anti-bush than pro-kerry in what you have said.

B/C you l feel you left out some key details in your argument. Obviously Abortion, but more importantly what is Kerry going to do about things? I always here he has plans but i never here them. He says go to his website but i don't want b/c he's just trying to get hits on his website. The other is how he can say he's Catholic and be one on TV but not be one where it really counts, in his vocation to work for the people. REMEMBER, all politicians work for the people, so yes it is your civil duty to vote and to agree or disagree with what he or she is doing. I will admit there are quite a few things Bush has done that i'm not for, but overall i have to go with who i feel is more moral and i feel that person in this election is Bush. And to say ALL republicans are the ONLY ones who are being dirty is totally luducris. Just watch Senator Kerry's tatics. In the last two weeks he's tried everything he can do to ruin Bush and Bush has had to take time to say what was true and what wasn't. And so has Bush to Kerry. So i wouldn't say just Republicans, it's both.

Please don't take this as being mean or anything, I don't want you to think that I just wanted to share with you on how i felt about what you posted.

Have a blessed day!
Jason Gregory

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