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To those of you who, in that poll I just did, said you were more orthodox than your parents, I'm interested in knowing how you managed to reach that point. Was it Phatmass that influenced you, or did you have other influences? And how do your parents react to you being orthodox? Do you ever get into rows about Church teachings with your parents? Or do your parents just treat your orthodoxy condescendingly and act like, "What a poor, ignorant soul. He'll learn someday"? Or is your orthodoxy starting to have a positive effect on them and gradually making them more orthodox?

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For me it was first spurred by my youth director and then Phatmass. It's help my mom become more in tune with the church, but there is still alot that she does i wish she would change, but she is doing better and i love my momma no matter what ^_^

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Thy Geekdom Come

My mother, though not a member, ascribes the the believes of the Women Priests and contraception advocacy groups.

Well, the story I stick to is a little bare-boned...everything in it is true, but I leave some details out because they aren't the business of the general public. Those who need to know get to know.

I was heterodox, out of ignorance...I believed that the Church was misguidedly oppressive of females, that contraception, abortion in cases of rape and incest, homosexual activity, etc. were all okay. I advocated women priests and married priests.

When I went to public school, I was getting attacked because of the Catholic faith and started trying to study apologetics to back myself up. I had never heard of the Real Presence and that was the big one...

Soon enough, I realized that I was as misguided as the people who were attacking me and I realized that I did believe in Christ and I did believe in the Church, so I just submitted myself and kept bringing myself down from my ridiculous viewpoints and finally came into total orthodoxy. I've been happy here for several years. :)

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Mine started with my first youth minister, same as Jason's. I grew a lot in the three years she was with my parish and I continued to grow even after that. Then it was spurred by the lack of focus in my youth ministry program. It spurred me to learn more and the more I learned the more orthodox I became. Then finally, yes, phatmass spurred me on. People like Jennie, my big sis, and all the rest that were on the apologetics board.

My parents, at times, resent my orthodoxy. Other times, I think it has a positive effect on them. They are both converts to the faith and in recent years have begun to struggle again (majorly) with their faith. I think all in all though it has a positive effect. All those other times I think it's them realizing im leaving soon (it usually happens when we talk about Steubie).

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i went thru catechesis in the 70s, when there was all this change happening from Vatican II, and no one knew what to teach. We spent more time making felt banners and drawing butterflies than talking about Jesus Christ.

So my parents taught me the basic Catholic moral message, but i had no respect for the Church's authority. There were all kindsa things i thought should change.

Then i entered seminary, and learned how Scripture & Tradition work together, and what Jesus meant when He said "on this rock I will build my Church." Plus, most seminarians these days are solidly orthodox, and they influenced me. I realized that Jesus desires us to submit [i]fully[/i] to the doctrines and teachings of the Magisterium.

I keep a journal, and the chapter titles tell the story. Volume 3 is titled "In the Father's Embrace." Volume 4 is titled "Embracing the Father AND His Church." Somewhere in between there, a conversion happened.

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My family has always been a Catholic family, but my parents aren't what you would call orthodox. My mother and father are both incredible people, but neither of them have ever really gotten into the deeper meaning of the Catholic Church.

I would consider myself pretty orthodox, and I have to give all the credit to the grace of God. I don't know what happened exactly, but last year I really dove deep into Catholicism. I'd always been Catholic, but it had never meant very much on a personal basis, I suppose. Last year, however, everything just clicked. I met some wonderful and very orthodox men who I looked to for guidance. My desire for the religious life came on strong again after being on the back burner for four years. It was incredible. I started praying more, reading more, and ultimately loving Christ and His Church more. It was beautiful.

I'm very happy to say that more than a year later, I am very excited about my Catholic faith. It is everything to me, and I'm so glad to be a child of Mother Church. I have been seriously discerning the religious life for about that long, as well. We'll just have to see ;) My parents have also started thinking more about their faith. My father, especially, has been trying to develop a more intimate faith, especially in his prayer life. My family has started praying the rosary together after dinner, which is just plain cool! God is just amazing!

In conclusion, orthodoxy rules!

In the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

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My parents are much more orthodox than they used to be. For example, my mom is against abortion. Sometimes, though, she'll try to bend the rules to suit herself. She and my dad are divorced, and she's got a boyfriend. She sometimes says, "I think God wants me to be happy," even though the Church forbids that sort of thing.

As for my dad, I'm not totally sure what he believes. I know that he used to support abortion and gay "marriage." When he and I talked recently, he told me he's against abortion, so perhaps he's changed his mind.

When it comes to things like the Real Presence, I'm pretty sure my mom believes. I'm not so sure if my dad does. With my parents, I think a lot of their problems probably stem from a lack of good catechesis.

I've only really started learning about Catholicism a little over two years ago. I've only been orthodox for a little over two years as well. Like Micah, the whole thing started when I wanted to defend Catholicism against non-Catholics. I wasn't totally orthodox at the time, but I still felt the desire to stand up for the Church. Later, the more I learnt, the more I knew I had been in error with some of my beliefs. For instance, at one point in my life, I considered myself pro-"choice." When I learnt about abortion from the pro-life side, I knew almost immediately that abortion's wrong -- and that I was wrong in supporting it.

God bless,


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[quote name='BeenaBobba' date='Oct 31 2004, 10:05 PM'] .....Like Micah, the whole thing started when I wanted to defend Catholicism against non-Catholics.  I wasn't totally orthodox at the time, but I still felt the desire to stand up for the Church. [/quote]
ditto..I was kind of lukewarm in my beliefs starting in High school and partly into college, although, I had been pretty devout as a child and early teen. When I was in college, some family members started attending a non-catholic denomination and I heard more anti-catholic stuff at school, so I slowly grew from my culturally Catholic background. But like Jen said, I knew the Church was right, but didn't know how to defend her too much.

After college, I looked into what I believed. The internet is where I looked up info. I found EWTN and started listening online an dI got a shortwave radio just so I could lidten to it in my area when my siblings hogged the computer. Learned about Catholic answers, other modern apologists,The rest is history. :) I bcame more orthodox and on fire for the Lord. I stood up sometimes (weakly) to anti-catholic remarks from people. As I learned more, and started working at school, more of my cousins got into the non-denom. church and a sister did too.

As I realized how lukewarm I had been, and how important the Lord and his Church were to me, these fallen-aways hurt me more. I stated talking to my mom more about faith, and I believe due to EWTN radio, our conversations, and being forced to defend her faith to her non-denom siters and sisters-in-law, she's grown in orthodoxy,a nd so has my dad to a point. I realized that culture and fellowship plays a part in church attendance. I started looking more into youth resources, like music, for my little sister because of the influence of my other sister who attends the non-denom protestant church, and for my students. I was looking into catholic hip-hop music, heard about the apologist, couldn't find his CD online. While doing a google search on him, when I was frustrated, found somebody discussing him on the Phatmass boards. :cool: (since then I've orderd his CD--it's on Miles Jesu website's bookstore now:-)

Edited by luciana
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Hard to believe since this is since before the liturgical changes (or when the changes were removed) but some core members from life-teen as well as the people running the Bible Study (again core members). Some refused to go around the altar... good core members by the way

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I have to say first of all was my incredable youth group and my amazing youth minister! Without her I don't know where I would be, certinaly not studying child psycholgy or planning to be a youth minister myself. Next I'd have to say I have 2 friends that have really helped me. Angie has been a big influence on me and especially in the recent months has helped me understand alot of asspects of the church. Thirdly phatmass EWTN and catholic radio stations have helped me grow closer to the Catholic church.

I have a long way to go before I can consider myself orthodox but I'll get there eventually.

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Ash Wednesday

Mom and I were more or less on the same page with orthodoxy. She certainly lived a greater life of selflessness and service than I have.

Most likely I'm more orthodox than my dad because my dad's experience growing up Catholic was completely different than mine. As I mentioned in the other thread, his was pretty harsh, joyless and strict. He has some cynicism but does have a faith life of sorts, complex as it is. I probably chose orthodoxy in part because of my mom's example, and having good Catholic friends to grow up with from orthodox families. My mom was also raised Catholic but I don't think quite as harsh like my dad.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ
:sadder: My mother, though Catholic, thinks I'm fanatical for being faithful to Mother Church like I am... She doesn't think it right... I really don't get it... I wish I could talk to her about Church things, but she seems to get very upset about them when I do bring them up... :sadder:

But my adhereance to the CHurch sharted with YOuth Ministry, grew through retreats and confrences, Such as the the Steubenville COnfernences. My adherence to orthodoxy began here though... I became faithful and "old fashioned" through Youth Ministry and became orthodox through phatmass :) That is about my story in short...
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AfroNova No Limit Soldier

As Filipinos, Catholicism runs in our blood. But so does pride and passion.

My family has always been practicing Catholics. We would go to Church on Sunday & holy days of obligation, go to Confession. We would pray the Rosary together as a family often. We have always believed that the Catholic Church is the only one started by Jesus Christ.

But there were so many times that we didn't live our faith. My childhood is one of extremes - there were mostly only moments of either great joy or great sorrow. My parents had abused me physically & emotionally. My parents were abusive towards each other as well. I remember very distinctly, I think I was 10 years old, my dad came home drunk... I'm pretty sure that was the only time he hit her, but it was bad. My mom was so bruised up. I wanted them to get a divorce. So that led to my "double life." I would go to Mass almost daily, adoration, Confession, but I wouldn't stop the things that in my heart I knew were wrong but in my mind I could rationalize - like premarital sex, drinking, partying, cheating, stealing.

But God is good. I was doing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius a few weeks ago & was just in awe that God gave me life long enough for me to turn my life around.

Fr. Corapi said that we get the leaders & parents that we deserve. As I have been turning my life around, so have my parents. Even my dad who is a convert. My parents pray the Rosary together every night now! They've been to Fatima & Lourdes twice, and last year we all went to Rome to see the Pope.

So I definitely had the parents I deserved before. We were all unhappy.

And now I have parents who are even more than I deserve. They're awesome. Blessed be God!

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My mom is orthodox in the sense that once she finds out what the Church actually teaches, she's with the Church. She's not interested in fighting it, she trusts it. My dad was not very faithful, but had a conversion.

Both of my parents attend daily mass, pray a daily rosary together, and are pro-life. But neither of them are too interested in the fights over orthodoxy.

They love Jesus. They love the Church. They love each other. How much more Catholic can you get?

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well I think I explained this on my reply to the previous topic...but allow me to again talk about myself!
I came to orthodoxy through the efforts of a few people who I now count among my closest friends.
However, my parents are a mixed bag. My father converted to Catholicism this Easter and being a lawyer naturally began to read Canon law...and the more he does the more orthodox he becomes. Mom on the other hand...not so much. She's the type that give the whole "oh you're so young and stupid, you'll learn when you're older" attitude. I hate it. Seriously. I never thought that my own mother would irritate me that much, but somehow her ignorance and her apathy just get my goat. I think it's because she is a CCD teacher. It's gotten to the point where I can't focus if I'm at Mass with her. I just look at the smug self-righteous expression on her face and keep reminding myself that she supports abortion, contraception, women priests, and all that stupid garbage.
So...my orthodoxy opened me up to a whole new set of sins. I cannot talk to my mother without breaking a Commandment. Mostly I just avoid the discussion of religion. Kind of smells of elderberries. However, being orthodox I have the tools to combat my new sins, so it's worth it.

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