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Sometimes I wonder how many are in Grace

Paladin D

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...or maybe I'm just scrupulus for others, and sometimes myself. Anyone ever feel as if most of the people in this world are not in the state of Grace? I don't like to judge people, it's just how I've been feeling lately.

I sound like a judgemental religious fanatic. :(

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Actually, since the Blessed Mother talked about how people were going to hell left and right at Fatima and other places she's appeared, it's really not too far-fetched to suspect there's at least a possibility that a large number of people could be headed for hell if they don't amend their lives. I mean, look at all the objectively mortal sins rampant in our society today -- abortion, premarital sex, divorce, contraception, pornography, etc.!

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it's a legitimate concern.. not because there's a bunch of people out there more evil than us goody goodies, but because there's a lot of people out there who don't recognize their own sinfulness. just pray for everyone and try to be a force of good in the world.

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I believe the main cause of this, is because of:

[b]- Materialism
- Relativism
- Humanism
- Secularism[/b]

Our society today places such importance on material wealth, in an attempt to feed the emptiness and hunger that dwells inside. Once someone obtains such wealth (or is in the process), it is harder for that individual to turn to Christ. Hence:

[b]Matthew 16:26 -[/b] [i]"What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfiet his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life?"[/i]

Or this portion of Matthew 19:16-30, about the rich young man:

[b]Matthew 19:23-24 -[/b] [i]"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."[/i]

Maybe that is why majority of the rich lack Christ? Indeed there are Christians who are rich, and it is perfectly possible to be one while having many possessions. However if we're not careful, material wealth [b]can[/b] and [b]will[/b] either distract us or make us fall from the path of righteousness.

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This is one thing I've noticed since becoming Catholic. I've also been dumping more and more worldly goods out of my life. (It sure makes moving easier!) The largest collection of worldly goods in our house is Catholic books. That at least I don't think I"ll get faulted for :D

But yeah what Dave said. I think we would all see the world in a totally new perspective if we knew how many were going to hell.

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"Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!" St. Matthew vii.13,14

That says enough there, but there is even more in the revelations of Our Lady of the many souls who go to Hell and the sayings of the Saints, like Saint Louis de Montforte: "My heart is penetrated with grief when I think of the almost infinite number of souls who are damned for lack of knowing the true God and the Christian religion. The greatest misfortune, O my God, is not to know thee, and the greatest of punishments not to love thee." The words of the holy missionary, Saint Francis Xavier are just as clear: "Before their Baptism, certain Japanese were greatly troubled by a hateful scruple: that God did not appear merciful, because He had never made Himself known to the Japanese people before, especially that those who had not worshipped God were doomed to everlasting Hell. They grieve over the fate of their departed children, parents, and relatives; so they ask if there is any way to free them by prayer from the eternal misery. And I am obligated to answer: there is absolutely none." Also, the Holy Cure d'Ars, Saint John Vianney (in a Sermon on dances, no less): "Go on, shameless fathers and mothers, go on into Hell, where the fury of God awaits you, you and all the good actions you have done in letting your children run such risks. Go on, they will not be long in joining you, for you have outlined the road plainly for them. Go and count the number of years that your boys and girls have lost, go before your Judge to give an account of your lives, and you will see that your pastor had reason to forbid these kinds of diabolical pleasures!" This is enough to see the rampant damnation of souls, especially in our day with the many evils that attack us. We must heed the words of Saint Peter: "Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour." (I St. Peter i.5) Prayer is the most useful means of converting others to a holy lifestyle because all the logic in the world cannot bring about such a change. It is necessary to pray for our aquaintences, especially the bad Catholics, that they will be converted to truth and to the devout and holy life.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Oct 31 2004, 04:44 PM'] But yeah what Dave said. I think we would all see the world in a totally new perspective if we knew how many were going to hell. [/quote]
:o Wouldn't it be creepy if we all had "mortal sin warn levels" on our foreheads like the warning levels here at PM?

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not far fetched at all pally.

I remember a part in the book from St Faustina's Diary where they were before the Blessed Sacrament and Jesus shows St. Faustina the Divine Mercy rays. She said that it was bright rays going to her, but not to everyone, some of the Nuns didnt have the rays going to them at all, some just a little.

What scares me is that if there are Nuns that dont have ANY of the rays going to them...I fear what my soul has even after I go to confession.

I try not to feel hopeless, but after knowing this fact...it sends chills down my spine.

God Bless

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since i've become more indepth into my faith, it amazes me how much soft core porn is rampant on tv!!!

pre marital sex, talking about pre marital sex, the way they dress!!, etc....so much now i watch educational shows or decorating shows or the weather channel (hee hee, actually my hubby does!)

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Ash Wednesday

I would rather not attempt to fathom and dwell too much upon that which is impossible for me to know. Otherwise, as mentioned, it does, for some of us, lead to a paralyzing fear and scruples that accomplish nothing.

I try to leave it in the hands of God, and I will not second guess him in his infinite love and wisdom.

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[quote]I remember a part in the book from St Faustina's Diary where they were before the Blessed Sacrament and Jesus shows St. Faustina the Divine Mercy rays. She said that it was bright rays going to her, but not to everyone, some of the Nuns didnt have the rays going to them at all, some just a little.[/quote]

Not getting off subject here, truly.
I read a book years ago, I think it was by Dean Koontz, but not sure.
About people who could see others "life force" and that the more good a person was the longer the rays. If a person was 'not good' the rays were short or non existant and of a very ugly color.

I always wondered about that book, because in a way, it made sense. Some equate it to our 'auras' but I viewed it in a more spriritual way.
That quote from CAF bought chills down my spine.

Has anyone ever read it? I really cant remember the name. I would love to read it again to compare the similarities to St. Faustina account.

Lil Red,
I agree with you wholeheartedly on the soft porn. How little tv I watch now. Mostly home improvement shows and such. I tend to leave the room or shut the tv off if something 'aint right'. Ya know?

P.S. I really need to work on staying in a state of Grace.

Edited by Quietfire
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