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that's because in richer areas they hike up the school taxes cause the people living around can afford it. that's not federal funding that causes all that money wasting. richer areas spend more money because they have higher school taxes.

no child left behind certainly doesn't pay for any school's football field.

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anyway, schools are stupid, especially my school. they have a high emphasis on athletics (not saying that should be totally neglected, but why does football get all the school tax money while cross country or band has to organize fundraising?) and tend to lower their standards just so they can graduate people. They should have higher standards for education so that when kids graduate they can go out and succeed in the world.

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That you know of... the government is involved with the education programs ... which i dont think its right ....


I dont see it

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no child left behind is supposed to make schools stop shuffling people through schools and start actually educating them. i don't know how well it's succeeding, i've heard statistics out there both ways in regards to whether or not it's being implemented properly. i know in our school they still tend to let kids coast without knowing much of anything, but on a nation-wide basis statistics show that the education gap between minorities/poor people is decreasing, which is a good thing.

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thats what no child left behind is meant to fight against, actually, by raising standards. i've heard that at some schools in like california the teachers helped their kids cheat when taking the tests meant to evaluate how good of a job the school was doing because they just wanted to move the kids along and be done with it. no child left behind is supposed to stop that. now, it's a very widespread problem that kids are just getting passed so they don't have to keep dealing with them till they actually learn the stuff, so it's not gonna be fixed overnight.

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[quote name='J.R.D' date='Oct 30 2004, 02:08 PM'] 3. Democrats are there to help the poor and middle class [/quote]
Such naivety!

Power corrupts, and corruption runs deep in both parties!

Democratic politicians are out for their own gain just as much as Republicans!
And "caring for the poor" and supporting a socialistic welfare state (which is actually a self-serving, self-perpetuating beaurocracy which helps perpetuate poverty and government dependacy) are not the same thing.

The Clinton Administration was crooked and rife with corruption.

I would say Democratic politicians nowadays are really more concerned with serving special interests (gays/lesbians, feminists, environmentalists, etc.) and their rich friends in the hollywood left, than in helping the little guy.

The only thing Dems are consistent in now is support for abortion and immorality, as well as raising taxes and big gov't (unfortunately, Bush is just as big-gov'ty as the Dems!).

Of course, Republicans have their problems too, but to see Democrats as being exempt from corruption and greed, and being motivated only by love for the poor, etc. is to be willfully ignorant and blind!

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Oct 30 2004, 03:39 PM'] My political position: I don't care what political party you are, but if you go against the 5 non-negotiables, then you don't get my vote. (But since Kerry supports more of them than GWB, I'm voting for GWB).

If a Democrat was running for President and did not support (or less of) the 5 non-negotiables, and the Republican was the opposite, I would vote for the Democrat. [/quote]
I repeat what I say.

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[quote name='J.R.D' date='Oct 31 2004, 01:12 AM'] lol paladin

socrates you think democrats are self-centered dont you? [/quote]
Most of them, I'd say, yes.

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Democrats are no better than Republicans. However, the Democratic party is clearly more aligned with forces that are in opposition to our Faith. Abortion, the homosexual agenda, secularization of the culture...etc.
This is ridiculous. Here we have a person who wants to argue without using facts. Is that even possible?

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First of all, you gotta get to the core, [b]"Republicans & Democrats"[/b] are just tag names dont dont really idenify with where you stand really. What really matters is are you a [b]"Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative?"[/b] You can be a Democrat, Conservative, or you can be a Republican Liberal, or a Moderate Independant. but mainly most of the time Liberalism tends to 90% of the time lean towards Democratic Party, while Conservativism leans toward the Republican Party in General. What really matters is, where does your Faith stand in all this?

[b]Conservatives Support.[/b]
1) Faith Based Orginazations (Christianity & Religion) (Civil Rights)
2) Small Federal Government or (Balanced I sould say)
3) Huge Military.
4) Low Taxes
5) Job Growth
6) Funding Against Enthanasia
7) Pro- Life (Anti-Abortion)
8) Supports the Federal Admendment BANNING SAME SEX MARRIAGE.
9) Support Funding for Anti-Cloning
10) Social Secruity Funding
and More.

[b]Liberals Support[/b]
1) Civil Rights
2) Large Spending
3) Large Federal Government (Not Balanced)
4) Rasing Taxes
5) Pro-Choice
6) Job Growth
7) Social Secruity Funding
8) Support Funding "Pro-Cloning"
9) Support Embroic Stem Cell Research
10) Support Enthnasisa
11) Small Military

Well thats not everything on both sides, but thats a decent amount, I recommend Anyone who is voting for Kerry to stop and think about it really hard, I saw somewhere where that Catholics souldn't compremize with Caniadates who support the 5 non negosable.

I'm a [b]"Conservative, Republican"[/b] and Why I'm a Republican, is for logicial reasons. God Bless You All.

Edited by White Knight
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