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The Bin Laden Tape

Ash Wednesday

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Ash Wednesday

I agree with Iacobus' insights regarding English and Arabic. I think a new linguistics option that should be explored in our universities to a greater extent is Arabic. If someone wants to go into a promising and growing career prospect, it is Arabic studies and translation. I don't mean that as a stupid joke, either. We need that.

Teresa Heinz Kerry is like her husband. I don't know them personally so I can't say but they both come across as wealthy and arrogant no matter how hard they try to humanize themselves -- especially Kerry drinking beer and "hunting"... it just looks forced. Am I being judgemental and making unfair assumptions? Probably.

But when Mrs. Heinz Kerry says something like, [b]"I'm older, and my validation of what I do is a little bit bigger because I'm older, and I've had different experiences," Heinz Kerry said. "And it's not a criticism of her. It's just, you know, what life is about."[/b]

Then I'm inclined to say that this sounds really [b]arrogant.[/b] Maybe not intentionally so, it comes across as such. I'm not talking about the "I don't know if Mrs. Bush has had a real job" because I take her word for it, she probably really didn't know, and I don't think she was slamming Laura Bush. But if she admits to not having known about Laura Bush's work experience, she should have kept her mouth shut about what kind of "bigger" validations and experience she has, and that "it's just, you know, what life is about."

So I guess people born in Mozambique with a silver spoon up their butt to a weathy family, into her kind of privilege and wealth, and fancy Swiss schooling that grow up to become politicians wives and "philanthropists" know more about what life is about than middle-class women from Texas who were schoolteachers, librarians, and stay at home moms. Gotcha. <_< Is that what she meant to say? I'd like to say it was not, but she obviously doesn't get how the things she says are going to come across.

She speaks her mind, no question. But it would serve her well to use her well-schooled mind a little more before speaking it. Did they not teach her basic social skills or manners in her elite schooling background?

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Oct 31 2004, 02:56 AM'] She speaks her mind, no question. But it would serve her well to use her well-schooled mind a little more before speaking it. Did they not teach her basic social skills or manners in her elite schooling background? [/quote]

That's awesome!! :D :crackup:

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