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Seeing as I am new here I am curious about the little blocks under my name and the little warn level thingy.
I was just wondering what it meant......


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The warn thingy tells you if you've done anything against phorum guidelines. The name just shows how much you've posted, unless you're in a special group. :)

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so why I do I have a warn thingy from the start?
I don't think I have done anything wrong.....
It says 0% but it is still there...
what gives?

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We mods can see it as well.

If someone spots something wrong [ vulgar, attacking etc] they hit the report button which sends an email to all mods. The first mod on that board who shows up edits or deletes it.
If you ever do something against phorum guidelines, we usually edit it in red, notify you by PM or email, and increase your warning level. Dust is notified and decides what to do.

Groups get assigned by Dust after you have a certain number of posts.Everyone starts out as a phatmasser. You are new so you are still a lurker.

After people have been here a good while they can be nominated for certain categories: church faithful, church militant, scholar etc.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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or be branded as Phishy or "hello i do not represent the church"

I can understand why you do it, if I wasn't Catholic I may be adversly influenced but it seems that the title is hard to shake off

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