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Mary Magdalene, Apostle?


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Basing an arguement on scriptures that are rejected by all Christians is completely rediculous. As we can see in the Gospel, Mary was not an Apostle and would not have been Jesus' favorite.

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Yeah, I watched that for a while. It sounded as if they were trying to be controversial. But, really it was lame. its sort of like the attempt to solve the murder of julius cesar that they did. We have trouble figuring out events that are very well documented that occured recently. So Lame, so very very lame.

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Discovery channel comes up with all sorts of theories that COULD HAVE HAPPENED, show evidence that shows that they COULD HAVE HAPPENED, and state that because they have proven it COULD HAVE HAPPENED it MUST HAVE HAPPENED.

they don't prove the theory that was accepted by the ppl that were actually there, the successors to those who were actually there down 2000 years, and the majority of the world.

i once watched them try to scientifically show how mary must have had XXY chromosome and that's how the virgin birth took place. they cited the fact that some animals have been known to do that, and the writers of the Gospels must have believed in it or they wouldn't have written it cause it was so controversial.

suuuure that COULD HAVE happened, but really, the majority of ppl who talked first hand to Mary and down through 2000 years have believed otherwise. These ppl are just making up stuff that COULD HAVE HAPPENED.

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If you read other gnostic gospels you get some other tidbits:

Like Jesus Withering the Hand of an Adult who strikes him as a child -- Infancy Narrative of Thomas

Jesus Making Birds out of mud and then breathing life into them -- Infancy Narrative of Thomas

Mary Magdalene claiming that Christ's Death turned her into a man -- Gnostic Gospel of Mary Magdalene

That all teh World was created for James the Just -- Gnostic Gospel of Thomas

Jesus saying that he will make Mary into a man -- Gnostic Gospel of Thomas

You can also see Jesus mame people who annoy him, ignore a dying child in order to have lunch, and get down off the cross just before death in some of the other HUNDREDS of gnostic Gospels . . .

I wouldn't put much stock in them.

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Basing an arguement on scriptures that are rejected by all Christians is completely rediculous. As we can see in the Gospel, Mary was not an Apostle and would not have been Jesus' favorite.

We don't know who Jesus' favorite was. More than likely, Jesus did not have a favorite, since I doubt that God plays favorites. But to assume that Mary Magdalene was not his favorite because she wasn't an Apostle is ridiculous. Are we to assume that Jesus favored the Apostles over Mary? St. Philomena is said to be very much favored by Jesus. Is she an Apostle? The ministry of Apostle does not necessarily make them more favored, it gives them a different ministry. There have been Popes who have been successors to the Apostles who have done despicable things. Would it be accurate to say that Jesus would have favored them above Mary Magdalene or any saint?

This is not to say that Mary Magdalene was his favorite. As I said, I doubt that God played favorites. But the point is that we can't assume that simply because she wasn't an Apostle she wasn't favored. Jesus must have favored her in some way, she was the first to see him risen and the first to proclaim him risen. The Church has traditionally called her apostola apostolorum -- apostle to the Apostles. So while I don't know that as drastic an approach as the Gnostics have taken should be taken, I don't think Mary Magdalene should be dismissed either.

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this is part of the plot of the Da Vinci Code.

Mary Magdalene was inDouche loved most by Jesus, since they were actually married.

and in Da Vinci's portrait of the Last Supper, it is Mary Magdalene who is seated next to Jesus on his left.

its a cool book, i hope people don't get mislead by it.

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When John and James' mother asked Jesus to place her two sons in a high position, and the other ten apostles "became indignant about it" (Matthew 20:24), The Lord's response was -

"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you."

No Apostle was favoured or had authority over another.

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  Trooper4DaHolyG said:
No Apostle was favoured or had authority over another.

Peter did! But he had authority in the way that all popes have authority -- he served the people of God by his teaching authority. He didn't lord his authority over anyone.

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  FreeSoul said:
Apostle, or no apostle...

She was the first to spread the Good News.

People should think about what she did, reflect on her role in this Glorious Mystery...

Wouldn't you revere the woman who told us the Messiah lives?

No one said anything bad about her... in fact quite the opposite.

The point being she was NOT sent to the world to teach about Christ. The Holy Spirit desended on the 12 and Mother Mary...

She was not an Apostle in the sense of the 12 Apostles. That is what some people appear to be saying... I didn't see the DC show, but that's the impression I got from the original post.

Your servent in Christ,


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  mulls said:
this is part of the plot of the Da Vinci Code.

Mary Magdalene was inDouche loved most by Jesus, since they were actually married.

and in Da Vinci's portrait of the Last Supper, it is Mary Magdalene who is seated next to Jesus on his left.

its a cool book, i hope people don't get mislead by it.


Jesus was not married to Mary Magdalene.

There is evidence that appears that He loved her most, for the fact that He appeared to her first.

I had heard that she was His fav... but now, after searching the ECF and the Bible, I can't remember where I read it... so it's speculation... but logical because she was first.

God Bless,


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  Trooper4DaHolyG said:
When John and James' mother asked Jesus to place her two sons in a high position, and the other ten apostles "became indignant about it" (Matthew 20:24), The Lord's response was -

"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you."

No Apostle was favoured or had authority over another.

Please read St. Matt 16:18-19, St. John 21:15-19, and Acts 20:30. Note, that Peter was the first Pope and the Catholic Church was the first Christian faith. How can a man change what Christ has built and be correct?

Your Servant in Christ,


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I catch some similar shows on the History Channel, it is interesting to see what the historical contexts are, but I don't swallow it hook, line, and sinker because when they want to interview "clergy", who do they choose? Dominic Croissan (sp?), who took part in that "Jesus seminar" that concluded that Jesus only rose from the dead in the minds of the apostles.

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"The point being she was NOT sent to the world to teach about Christ. The Holy Spirit desended on the 12 and Mother Mary..."

Everyone on this world was sent to teach about Christ. Are you saying that it wouldn't have made a difference if she saw the stone rolled away?

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Ironmonk, have you lost your mind?

1) Mary Magdalene brought the Gospel to Gaul, along with her brother Lazarus and her sister Martha. This is the tradition of your own church.

2) Acts 1:14 says that the Apostles were with Mary, "some women," and the brothers of the Lord. Acts 2:1 tells us that they were all in one place together, and Acts 2:4 tells us that they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. So it was not just the Twelve and Mary that the Holy Spirit descended on.

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