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Theology of the Body.


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Blessed be God!

-The Human Body, Catholicism and John Paul II.

-The beauty of creation expresses the beauty of the Creator.
-God’s glory is revealed more in a human than anything else. “We are the crown in all that God created.
-Our bodies speak a language, which proclaims the mystery of God. We are blind to this language.
-The architect of a Church design’s the Church to proclaim the mystery of God.
-God (the Creator) designs us to proclaim the mystery of God.
-Theology of the Body is like glasses; we are able to read the language of the Body, as God created it. We see the body as a theology.
-JP2 says; If we want to understand who are completely as men and women we must understand what that original nakedness was all about.
-naked body (in the beginning) was a witness to love/purity/goodness of humanity.
-1st result of sin was shame, marks a lose of original innocence, and purity.
-“The glory of God is man fully alive” – St. Ireneus
-purity continues until we are raised with Christ until the end of time.
-Purity of heart enables us to perceive the body as a temple of the HS.

-Theology of the Body (tract 4)

-Biblical reflection on the human experience of embodiment, particular way of erotic desires.
-When this shapes the Preaching it will affect every major theme. It will constitute a theological time bomb. Produce a Culture of Life rising from the Culture of Death.
-We receive spiritual realities through physical signs and symbols.
-The flesh is the hinge of Salvation. God is Creator of Flesh, We believe in Word made Flesh, and resurrection and redemption of the Flesh.
-Sensual (of the sense) is how God encounters us. Holy Water, Oil, Body and Blood, Confessing with our lips, through the most intimate union when man and women bind body and soul as one. This is how God works physically.
-sacrament- a sign that makes the invisible mystery visible.
-God desires for us to know his mysteries by his revelation: “Word was made Flesh.”
-The crux and key of the TotB, “The body in fact, and it alone, is capable of making visible what is invisible, the spiritual and divine.” JP2
-It is through the body that we encounter each other and God.
-Body is a sign of the Divine mystery. Points to something that transcends the body.
-Theology revealed through Anthropology. Man is not God. God was Man.
-“Through the fact that the word of God became flesh the body entered theology through the main door.”
-God has revealed his innermost secret, He is an eternal exchange of love F, S, HS, and destined us to share in that exchange...the meaning of life.

(tract 7)

-The great mystery of man and woman becoming one flesh and sharing in an earthly exchange of love, foreshadows the greater mystery of Christ union with the Church.
-As man and woman we become a sign of the eternal exchange of the Trinity.
-Heaven is described as an eternal marriage feast. (Rev.)
-God calls us to a communion that images the union of the Trinity.
-Every covenant calls them to be fruitful...
-Circumcision reminds the descendants of the covenant that there was a giving of the body.
-Eucharist reminds the descendants of the covenant that there was a giving of the Body.
-Christ was stripped of cloths...people at the foot of the Cross saw he was a Jew b/c of the circumsision.
-JP2 says, The Eucharist is the Sacrament of the Bridegroom and the Bride.
-We cannot understand the very inner logic of Chrsitianity unless we undertand us as male and female when we become one flesh, the one flesh union foreshadows Christ and the union with the Church.
-Spousal love helps us understand the Divine mystery. But it always falls short of expressing it fully.
-In no way is God in Man’s image. God is neither man nor woman, He is pure spirit.

The Devil

-The devil will attack the body b/c the body demonstrates God’s mystery.
-The devil tries to plagiarize the Sacrament’s.
-Satan hate’s us. He does not want us to partake in God’s union.
-Evil is the distortion of what is true, good, and beuatiful.

-If we are affraid of the body, scarred of the body, we have fallen into the Devils lies.
-What is most sacred in this world, is what is most violently profained.
-Satan attacks at God’s most greatest gifts.
-Eph 5: Profound mystery of husband and wife is connected to Christ and the Church
-Eph 6: The call to take up arms in the spiritual battle.
-Spiritual battle: war against the truth of the body; b/c the body reveals the truths of the Spirit.
(tract 10)

Totus Tuus,

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what ever...I am going to outline the "Crash Course in the Thology of the Body" It will probably take a long long time...but it will be sweet!

Totus Tuus,


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