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God Told Me...


What do you think it means when someone says "God told me..."?  

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I think it would be easier to believe if it actually happened to me. But it hasn't. I really think it's only reserved for really important people, not your average sheep...which is probably why I haven't been privy to it.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Sep 23 2005, 05:20 PM']I think it would be easier to believe if it actually happened to me.  But it hasn't.  I really think it's only reserved for really important people, not your average sheep...which is probably why I haven't been privy to it.

"It" happens to whoever is open to hearing Him. God speaks to the people who make themselves available. "If today you hear His voice harden not your hearts" or ears.

You are right in saying "it's only reserved for really important people" that is why I hear Him I AM A REALLY IMPORTANT PERSON, Jesus died for me. I have yet to meet "an average sheep" what do they look like?

I am surprised that this is even a topic. To me this is common everyday.
Yesterday God told me to do something and of course I didn't. I ended up missing something important because of it.

He speaks to me, you, us everyday. WHETHER OR NOT WE HEAR HIM SHOULD BE THE TOPIC. And if we aren't hearing Him 1) What are we doing wrong? 2) What can we do to change that?

With God as with people you get what you ask for.
If you ask Him to speak to you, He will.

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[quote]John 10:26-28 (New American Standard Bible)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)

  26"But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep.

  27"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;

  28and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.[/quote]

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[quote name='Freaky Chik' date='Oct 6 2003, 01:38 AM']You don't believe me? Fine. Whatever. I don't care. It's a great testimony. I think it would benefit someone more than saying that some wine turned into blood.
*sigh* it's not just "blood," it's Jesus' blood. have some respect.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Sep 23 2005, 06:20 PM']I think it would be easier to believe if it actually happened to me.  But it hasn't.  I really think it's only reserved for really important people, not your average sheep...which is probably why I haven't been privy to it.
God does not look down on "really important people" and give them wonderful experiences...He looks on the lowly and raises them up. It just happens to be the case that in the Church, the "really important people" are often the lowly ones.

However, He wills to give His gifts to all...let there be no doubt about that.

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  • 7 months later...

I think that anyone claiming that God is speaking to them should be looked at with caution. We must also keep in mind that, as INRIWarrior said on the end of the first page, that public revelation has ended. As such, anyone who goes to their soccer coach and says "Coach, I've been praying about it.. and I think God is telling me that I need more playing time [in games]" is lying to some degree. God would not tell this to the player, but would tell it to the coach, since public revelation has ended. It may be that the player just really wants to play more and is misinterpreting their desires as God's voice. If the player was sincere about his statement, I think that the latter would be the case. (FYI: this did actually happen) Personally, they only way I would be sure that God is speaking to me is either through a booming voice from the clouds (not just a feeling in my heart or my head) or through a large series of extremely coincidental events (read: miracles). As with any private revelation, scrutiny is required, and believing whoever says they heard God speak is not required (you know the exception to that).

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Wow this poll has lasted for ages...

The topic reminds me of the Mormon "burning in the bosom".

As mentioned above,(and prob many times) public revelation has ended, and any private revelation should be carefully scrutinized. Therefore I stay on the cautious side until they are approved by the Holy See - ie. Fatima.



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[quote]Franimus writes: I think that anyone claiming that God is speaking to them should be looked at with caution.[/quote]
Or instead of judging the messenger you can examine the message. I do not think that GOD discriminates who He decides to talk with nor does GOD have a reputation to protect by the company He keeps.
[quote]Franimus writes: We must also keep in mind that, as INRIWarrior said on the end of the first page, that public revelation has ended.[/quote]
If you are referring to public revelation as future prophecy even GOD knows the future is mutable and can change at a moments notice. I would also re-examine the source of why and where this announcement of public revelation has ended. GOD has not stopped talking, some people have just stopped listening.
[quote]Franimus writes: Personally, they only way I would be sure that God is speaking to me is either through a booming voice from the clouds (not just a feeling in my heart or my head) or through a large series of extremely coincidental events (read: miracles).[/quote]
GOD would never be so boastful or arrogant. GOD appeals to your soul (because your soul appreciates the truth) and communicates through it. Most everyone has experienced this as dreaming. There are very few people who perform this while they are awake.

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[quote name='carrdero' post='1003113' date='Jun 11 2006, 05:09 AM']
Or instead of judging the messenger you can examine the message. I do not think that GOD discriminates who He decides to talk with nor does GOD have a reputation to protect by the company He keeps.[/quote]
I agree. Of course, if a chronic liar is telling you something, common sense tells you to doubt it regardless of what they say.
If you are referring to public revelation as future prophecy even GOD knows the future is mutable and can change at a moments notice. I would also re-examine the source of why and where this announcement of public revelation has ended. GOD has not stopped talking, some people have just stopped listening.[/quote]
It seems to be somewhat of a consensus. Unfortunatly, I do not have any specific references, but for some reason I seem to remember being taught something like public revelation ended when Jesus "left."
I'm also not sure what the future changing "at a moments notice" has to do with this. God exists outside of time, and so the "future" and the "past" are somewhat irrelevant. God created time, so He is not bound to it. Also, perhaps you could do to brush up on your knowledge and understanding of predestination.
GOD would never be so boastful or arrogant. GOD appeals to your soul (because your soul appreciates the truth) and communicates through it. Most everyone has experienced this as dreaming. There are very few people who perform this while they are awake.
I'm confused... Are you saying that all of our dreams are really God talking to us? And that very few people daydream? Or are you saying that all of the dreams we have which we don't remember upon waking are all God talking to us, and only a few do remember these dreams (or daydream these dreams)? I'm lost.
I did not intend to suggest that God only has one or two ways of speaking to us. I merely said that those two which I listed are likely the only ways I would be 110% sure that it is God himself, and not just my conscience or my desires speaking. I do believe that God will guide our desires to conform to his will, provided that we are open to it.

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[quote]Franimus writes: I agree. Of course, if a chronic liar is telling you something, common sense tells you to doubt it regardless of what they say.[/quote]When it comes to inspiration from GOD very rarely do people get to know a person well enough to discern such psychological disorders.
[quote]Franimus writes: It seems to be somewhat of a consensus. Unfortunatly, I do not have any specific references, but for some reason I seem to remember being taught something like public revelation ended when Jesus "left."[/quote]I have never learned of any such order to “gag” GOD.
[quote]Franimus writes: I'm confused... Are you saying that all of our dreams are really God talking to us?[/quote]Not necessarily. GOD can and usually intervenes in your dreams because the soul is exposed and it is easier to communicate with as opposed to the waking state where our physical senses our constantly distracting us. It is more of a courtesy.
[quote]Franimus writes: And that very few people daydream?[/quote]Very few people realize they have the ability to “listen” to incoming soul communications while they are conscious. Though from reading your previous post about this teaching that public revelation has ended just may be one of the contributing factor to these statistics.
[quote]Franimus writes: Or are you saying that all of the dreams we have which we don't remember upon waking are all God talking to us, and only a few do remember these dreams (or daydream these dreams)? [/quote]
Not all the time. Sometimes your dreams are just your soul taking a walk. You encounter many different people, places and events. Some people dream what they do the next day (déjà vu).
[quote]Franimus writes: I'm lost.[/quote]
May I suggest keeping a dream journal? Upon waking, keep a notebook and pencil near your bed and upon waking, jot down any dreams while they are still fresh. Some people have trained themselves to wake upon a dream and document their findings and still have the ability o fall back asleep. One never knows when something relevant can be obtained from the dreaming.

[quote]Franimus writes: I did not intend to suggest that God only has one or two ways of speaking to us.[/quote]
Nor would I but since we are all required to sleep and dream I cannot think of a more perfect way for GOD to consistently keep in touch with us?
[quote]Franimus writes: I merely said that those two which I listed are likely the only ways I would be 110% sure that it is God himself, and not just my conscience or my desires speaking. I do believe that God will guide our desires to conform to his will, provided that we are open to it.[/quote]That's just it, you have to be open to it. If you believe that GOD no longer speaks to humans more than likely you will mistrust or disregard the message or the messenger. One thing that is evident (even in the Bible) that if there is a message that GOD needs or wants to get to someone you can be sure that this message will be received swiftly and efficiently.

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