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when do you draw the line


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Last night i was helping conduct a open ended conversation on sexuality purely based on ethics. Anyways someone asked when should you not let your kids see you naked anymore? Not being married, not less having a child I was not able to answer, what are some of your thoughts

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

When they can comprehend their own sexuality, I presume. I think something like that is an instinct of when your children should stop being in your presence when you're in the nude.

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They should never see you naked once they're old enough to walk. Seriously it's a matter of modesty. What can children possibly gain from seeing that?

It's just weird. :blink:

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ewwwy ewwwwy ewwwy! I know alot of parents bathe with their children when they're really young, my mom didn't, she said I was too squirmy and afraid she would drop me...fat little squirmy wet baby, very easy to drop.

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I would rather not ever see a parent naked. Of course that dream is foiled by the fact that I do homework late at night in my dad's room. Gross.

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Time for this thread to grow up.

The time is relative for each child, but I would say that at the age of reason, maybe even a little before that, which is way after they learn how to walk.

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Ash Wednesday

I agree with the general consensus here -- though if you're the same sex, and changing in some kind of public locker room at a swimming pool, you're both naked, so what? Or if they barge in when you're changing, well, the world isn't going to come to an end. It's a matter of respecting each other's privacy and toeing the line between "being naked is evil" and "look at me, I'm naked everyone!" Chances are when they reach age of reason and preadolescence, they aren't going to WANNA see you naked anyway, and no sensible parent really wants to prance around letting their kids and teens see them naked.

There have been times I would come into the bathroom and my dad would be RIGHT THERE sitting on the John with the door wide open, and I'd be so embarrassed I'd hurry back out really fast and he'd say "Come on in! The water's fine!" :lol:

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I was thinking about this, and during the last hour, I remembered that in "Love and Responsibility" the pope talks about shame versus shamelessness and the positive aspect of shame.

Shame first occured when Adam eve, fell, and [i]realized that they were naked.[/i] It was the value of their diginity which they preserved by wearing fig leaves. This is preservation of sexual values that is the positive aspect of shame.

When a person who knows what is right an wrong does not preserve thier inherent dignity, they are acting in a shamless way.

When a child can discern shame, and thus can be shamed and feel shamed, that is the point they should preserve themselves for thier spouse...

I think this applies cross culturally, thus it is not a sin for certain aborginal peoples to run around "half naked" in the context of thier culture.

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If you're Irish, you probably breast feed through a shirt . . . lol

No, I really think this is almost an odd question, the fact is, that most children naturally shy away from being seen naked, and that's earlier than they have a curiosity for someone who is naked.

I used to shower with my dad up intil I was like 6 or so, probably right before I started school. No traumatic effects there. Also, I remember once when I was around 11 or so, going to the pool with my dad and being embarassed that we had to be naked together, just getting dressed. I think that's probably the age where there should be a certain decorum, but I don't think it's theological. I think it has more to do with emotional and psychological well being.

I also think that children and parents of the same gender are different than the opposite genders.

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