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Abortion is not the only issue


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[b]Yes, abortion is not the only issue, but it is the most important.
Just as a foundation is important for a house, and yet a house
is made up of more then a just a foundation.
But if you take away the foundation to the house, your house doesn't stand.
Likewise if you take abortion as just another issue,
and even over look abortion when comparing it to these other issues,
you will only be assisting in the building of this Nation without a moral foundation it needs.[/b]
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[quote name='BLAZEr' date='Oct 27 2004, 12:57 AM'] Ummm isn't that a quote from Fr. Frank Pavone . . . you should give him credit. [/quote]
oh is it mr. blazer?
This issue is beyond who said it, and I am sure if
Fr. Frank did say it he be the first to tell you he doesn't
need any credit for the truth being said.

If it is truth then it not about who said it first, but about
how many people we share it too. For when we share the
truth, then you share Christ, for Jesus said, [b]"I am the way
the truth, and the life." John 14:6[/b]

Edited by sonofppio
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still.. when someone says something you give them credit for it. thank you blazer for mentioning that. good quote. i love Fr. Frank Pavone...

btw, perhaps i'm wrong, but am i sensing a bit of hostility here? if so, why? we all agree with you! maybe I'm just reading too much into your post.

I love how Fr. Pavone gets the pro-life message out there.

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[quote]If it is truth then it not about who said it first, but about
how many people we share it too. For when we share the
truth, then you share Christ, for Jesus said, "I am the way
the truth, and the life." John 14:6 [/quote]

uh.... It IS about who said it. ESPECIALLY when it is Truth.

If some bum said "I am the Way the Truth and the Life" it's not true. Cause Jesus is. And the person who said it after Him is either quoting Him (like you putting (John14:6) after the quote) or is crazy.

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[quote name='Sinner' date='Oct 27 2004, 10:25 PM']and I believe SOP's intentions are honorable.[/quote]
Thanks Sinner!
I was just sharing what someone has shared with me.
Something that is very important right now with the elections.
Especially doing the little I can to make sure the faithful will be
voting Pro-life instead of Pro-Abortion. This beautiful quote is
something I believe could inspire hearts to do so. No matter who
wrote or said it first.


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Hey now!

No one's saying his intentions weren't honorable! I believe they are! And it's a great quote! And I'm glad he posted it!

(ps thanks sonofpio)

I dispute however, his later claim that mentioning who said it doesn't matter. Cause it does. Maybe not so much in this case, but it's important to know where something came from.

His example about quoting came from a quote from the Bible where Jesus speaks... he said it doesn't need to be sourced.... but then sourced it.

All I'm saying is... it IS important to know where something came from. If only so we can find it and use it ourselves.

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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Oct 27 2004, 07:58 PM']
btw, perhaps i'm wrong, but am i sensing a bit of hostility here?  if so, why? we all agree with you!  maybe I'm just reading too much into your post.

I love how Fr. Pavone gets the pro-life message out there.[/quote]
I hope I'm not sounding to hostile here.

Just trying to understand why someone has to be so
worried about credibility.
I went ahead to ask my friend who he got the quote from and he did
say that Fr. Frank said something like it on a Pro-Life show,
and he also pointed out to how in the same show;
Fr. Frank showed a video of a older man talking,
and how this man gave a similar quote with the same analogy.
Go Fig.

Truth before credit.
[b]"For all truth came through Jesus Christ." John 1:17[/b]

Edited by sonofppio
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