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Am I correct in saying that Catholics believe salvation is not attained untill the final judgement. Can I say that I am saved? I've read others comment that we are saved, are being saved, and will be saved. It's a lifelong process. I agree. Just want to know more clarification about assurance and terminology when speaking of salvation. I have read the reference section links...just wanted to hear it out of you guys mouths.

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We are in the process of salvation, participating in it all the time. :) It isn't set in stone whether or not we've been saved, but we also don't have to wait until judgement day. Our first judgement is right at our death. The second judgement is where all souls retain their bodies, the righteous to live with God forever in happiness, and the damned to live forever seperated from God in suffering with their body.

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"Are you saved?" needs a threefold response.

1) "I have been saved." Jesus died for me. Through faith and baptism I have received forgiveness. I am a new creation, sharing the very nature of God. (2nd Peter 1:4);

2) "I am being saved." I look to the Lord daily for grace to continuing believing, loving doing God's will;

3) "I hope to be saved." I must persevere until the end of my life. I firmly hope in His grace to enable me to do so (Phil 3:7-11 and especially 12-14).

Totus Tuus,


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Benedict..........tell ur friend i give him mad props. i'm gonna link to his stuff in the reference section to raise his site up the Google rankings.

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[u][b]Are You Saved?[/b][/u]

[i]Past Event (I have been saved)[/i]
Rom 8:24 - for in hope we were saved
Eph 2:5, 8 - by grace you have been saved through faith
2Tim 1;9 - He saved us, called us according to his grace
Tit 3:5 - He saved us through bath of rebirth, renewal by Holy Spirit

[i]Present Process (I am being saved)[/i]
Phil 2;12 - work out your salvation with fear and trembling
1Pet 1:9 - as you attain the goal of your faith, salvation

[i]Future Event (I will be saved)[/i]
Mt 10:22 - he who endures to the end will be saved
Mt 24:1 - he who perseveres to the end will be saved
Mk 8:35 - whoever loses his life for my sake will save it
Acts 15:11 - we shall be saved through the grace of Jesus
Rom 5:9-10 - since we are justified, we shall be saved
Rom 13:11 - salvation is nearer now than first believed
Cor 3:15 - he shall be saved, but only as through fire
1Cor 5:5 - deliver man to Satan so his spirit may be saved
Heb 9:28 - Jesus will appear second time, to bring salvation

[i]from [url="http://www.davesloan.com/god/biblical_basis.html"][b]A Biblical Basis for the Catholic Church[/b][/url][/i]

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