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[quote]"Our military is now investigating a number of possible scenarios, [b]including that the explosives may have been moved before our troops even arrived at the site.[/b] This investigation is important and it's ongoing. And a political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander in chief." [/quote]

Whoa. Don't let the brain know what the mouth is saying or something.

1337 k4th0l1x0r, the international test might take too long, but Bush is a wee bit too rash. Watch the lead up to the Iraq war footage, I quote Pres Bush,

"We cannot wait for proof, we must act now."

Umm that flys in the face of Catholic just war doctrine. You must [i]know[/i] beyond any doubt and be 100% sure of your proof [i]before[/i] invading. I want a pres who kinda says "Whoa, that makes sense." not "We must act now" even when others tell him to wait for troops and proof and bigger clouds gather.

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Iacobus, you are truly articulate, and you made an excellent to my last point...

However did you see the MSNBC article that reports that these weapons were missing before we got there?

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I did not see the MSNBC report yet, Theoketos. Last report I heard was about 4 this after noon and it said, "All we know for sure is that sometime between March 9th and May 27, 2003 the weapons disappered and these could be the explosives used currently against US troops." I don't have a TV in my room, so if you have a link I would be thankful.

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[font="Courier"][url="http://www.washtimes.com/national/20041028-122637-6257r.htm"]CHECK THIS OUT: "Russia tied to Iraq's missing arms"[/url][/font]

[quote][font="Courier"]"The Russians brought in, just before the war got started, a whole series of military units," Mr. Shaw said. "Their main job was to shred all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the Iraqis. The others were transportation units."
    Mr. Shaw, who was in charge of cataloging the tons of conventional arms provided to Iraq by foreign suppliers, said he recently obtained reliable information on the arms-dispersal program from two European intelligence services that have detailed knowledge of the Russian-Iraqi weapons collaboration.
    Most of Saddam's most powerful arms were systematically separated from other arms like mortars, bombs and rockets, and sent to Syria and Lebanon, and possibly to Iran, he said. [/font][/quote]

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[font="Courier"][b]THE UGLY TRUTH...[/b]
so how did Iraq, who we know did not have the capacity to produce a large quantity of weapons, get thier hands on them?

[url="http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=31552"]France[/url] [/font]

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' date='Oct 28 2004, 09:01 PM'] [font="Courier"][b]THE UGLY TRUTH...[/b]
so how did Iraq, who we know did not have the capacity to produce a large quantity of weapons, get thier hands on them?

[url="http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=31552"]France[/url] [/font] [/quote]
LD, did we know? Because if we did could/should we have invaded?

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[font="Courier"]I wrote "we know" - but maybe I should not say that... but there is [url="http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/front_page/109715043227560.xml"]this report posted early October[/url]

[quote]Iraq had destroyed its illicit weapons stockpiles within months after the Persian Gulf War of 1991, and its capacity to produce such weapons had significantly eroded by the time of the U.S. invasion in 2003, the top U.S. inspector in Iraq said in a report...[/font][/quote]

[font="Courier"]So again I say we did not act “unilaterally” in Iraq… we acted against the wishes of France, Russia, and Germany.
And why is it that they didn’t want us in Iraq? [/font]

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Kerry has betrayed his faith. Why would he have a problem betraying his promises or this country? I can't vote for a man like that. I'll choose the only legitimate alternative.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Oct 29 2004, 11:56 PM'] *distrust of media grows*

*respect for Iacobus also rises*

Thanks Jake for trying to be honest. [/quote]
Trust in the media? Ah, that is like Diet Caffinee Free Mountan Dew. Good idea, but ruins the fun.

Na, the media is trustworthy, kind of. I would never merely take one report (hint: Rathergate) on something. Now, a report on a report doesn't count as a seperate report. But if say, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, CBC, BBC, are all reporting that this or that happened, and the stories match, I would tend to trust it. A nifty thing about www.news.google.com is that if you search for something, say Missing Iraqi weapons, it will give you a few links but than also a link that says "see all X reports." When I looked it up it had 514 reports, and most were in full agreement *I just read a random sample.* When something like that happens I would belive it is true as true can be.

You probly noticed I also listed BBC and NPR which, according to most, are center to the left. I don't really like FOXNews, I think they are a bit slow in reporting and do a lot of hype (I mean, they are for profit, but neither CNN or MSNBC is quite as bad... yet). But you can add your favorite center to right channel or paper or whatever. If Right leaning and Left leaning outlets say the same thing that is probly right. Diffrences are more likly to be anaylsis, granted it may be some where there is smoke there is fire stuff, but all anaylsis is basied. A report who wants Bush/Kerry/Nader/Someoneelse to win will have a slight difference in wording. It is mostly glass half full, half empty, but nonetheless it is there. And a good balance of news outlets will kind of shift out the anaylsis.

Just my two cents.

It is cool to be respected, but does that make me a role model? Hehe. I like your posts and what I have read on your blog a lot and it is very honoring to know that I am respected by you. Thanks for the kudos.

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