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Pastor Ed Rice.... Another Email To Me.


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I think this guy is swine... for he does not care about the truth.

I wouldn't put to much time into getting him facts. He ignores them. Tonight, I'll post some other dialogs I've had with this guy.

It comes down to this... it's his way of thinking...

"it doesn't matter what the Catholic Church says they teach, they don't really teach what they claim. Ian Paisley knows the Catholic Church for what it is."

My dialogs date back to late 2002.

Your Servant in Christ,


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  ironmonk said:
I think this guy is swine... for he does not care about the truth.

I wouldn't put to much time into getting him facts. He ignores them. Tonight, I'll post some other dialogs I've had with this guy.

It comes down to this... it's his way of thinking...

"it doesn't matter what the Catholic Church says they teach, they don't really teach what they claim. Ian Paisley knows the Catholic Church for what it is."

My dialogs date back to late 2002.

Your Servant in Christ,


great googly boogly, you have got to be kidding. He really said this? Wow, and he calls us blind.

Ok, so lets forget about Mr. Ed for a bit...who else is on the list :D

this is fun, I like evangelizing this way..come on ironmonk spill your email list of prot pastors :ph34r:

I would write my uncle, whos a pentecostal pastor, but cant remember his email..if I think of it i'll let you know.


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Jake Huether

No, no! You won't find the REAL teachings of the Chuch in the Catechism. The Church hides what she really teaches, and teaches us lies (and says they are true). We can only really know what the Church REALLY teaches (but pretends on the outside not to teach), when we leave the Church and listen to Baptist Pasters who know much more about the Church than the Pope! :lol:

Give me a friggn' break. Okay - so we tell this guy what we believe, and he says Oh no - that's not really what you believe, you're being lied to! LOL! Like, "no that's to good to come from the Catholic Church, they must be lying". Hahahaha!

I'm going to email him the challenge also!

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  Jake Huether said:
Okay - so we tell this guy what we believe, and he says Oh no - that's not really what you believe, you're being lied to!  LOL!  Like, "no that's to good to come from the Catholic Church, they must be lying".  Hahahaha!

Unfortunately, that tactic is all too common among anti-Catholics. :(

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Even martin luther knew the Catholic Church put the Bible together. He also believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist [should of said it differently in my email..doh!], and the Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Mother.

in my latest piece I sent him I said this above. I didnt think to explain that luther didnt believe in Transubstantiation, but rather Cosubstantiation i think it is. those might be too big of words for Mr Ed but im sure he's heard of them somewhere down the line..

is this worth writting a correction to him or you think I should just leave it? I dont want to misrepresent.


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  CatholicAndFanatical said:
I didnt think to explain that luther didnt believe in Transubstantiation, but rather Cosubstantiation i think it is. those might be too big of words for Mr Ed but im sure he's heard of them somewhere down the line..

  is this worth writting a correction to him or you think I should just leave it? I dont want to misrepresent.

What Martin Luther believed in was consubstantiation (not cosubstantiation ;)). And it's quite different from transsubstantiation. The former says that bread and wine continues to exist, and Christ exists along with it, while the latter says that it's no longer bread and wine but Jesus. Luther invented consubstantiation mainly because he wanted to distance himself from the Church and its teachings as much as he could. So yes, I think that might merit a correction.

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Jake Huether

Here's what I wrote:

Dear Ed,

May the Peace of Christ be always with you,

I was given a link to Charlett's testimony on another forum. I'm sure you've already heard Max and Steve discuss with you the details of how flawed this "testimony" was. I read her statement, and I too will attest to it's rabid lies. Please, let go of your ignorance about the Catholic Church. You keep telling them, and indirectly me, that we are being lied to. But you have yet to convince me, or them. What are we being lied to about? About how the convents are? That's laughable. For every one "bad" comment you can give (with substantial evidence of it's validity - not a "testimony" of someone with a pseudonym) about a convent or monastery I will give you 100 "good" comments! Who's to be believed? All I know is what the Church REALLY teaches. It is documented in an extensive book called the Catechism. It is an exhaustive explanation of the Catholic faith written by the Pope himself. I'm sure if the Pope is a liar, then it should be pretty easy to pick out contradictions between Scripture and the Catechism. In fact, it should be pretty easy to simply find errors within the Catechism itself. But you won't. You won't find any contradictions in it with respect to Scripture, with respect to what early Christians believed (early being before 1500), nor will you find any contradictions to itself. This is our faith, our 2000 year faith, under one cover.

I am so confident in my faith, that I extend to you the same challenge that Max and Steve presented to you. If you can use official Christian writings before the 1500's, or any official Catholic documents written anytime in history, to show that what the Catholic Church teaches is wrong, then I will leave the Catholic Church and my tithe goes to you.

God bless you.

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lol excellent Jake, thats amesome..

If he is truely trying to win souls for Christ, he'll jump at our challenge. Let this be a good lesson for the non catholics, really on a serious note. If he doesnt take us on this challenge what does that say? That says he doesnt care about finding out the truth, plus it says that he isnt really in it to save souls for Christ. He's in it for himself, and that big tax break hehe.

But if he does take us on this challenge, he will find out that what the Church teachs is true.

Nicely done Jake.

Blessed Mother pray for us.

St. Michael defend us

Blessed Mother Teresa pray for us.

May the Lord open the eyes of Ed and those of his like.


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Great email.

I've got a hunch that he's going to be pretty busy with Catholic emails for a while. Don't expect a quick reply.


Your Servant in Christ,


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yea good point. were gonna have all phatmass emailing him soon..lol

anyone else we could email?? Think think think!

also, in our challenges to him, we should of stressed the word TEACH, not DOES..he could come back with the typical prot response like The Roman Church has pedophiles in it, Christs CHurch wouldnt have that, blah, blah, blah..course we know the answer to that one, but mr ed wouldnt. Just trying to not give him any loop hole to take because you know if he can find it he'll do the freaking electrice slide right around our challenge.


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  CatholicAndFanatical said:
anyone else we could email?? Think think think!

How about the webmaster at www.jesus-is-lord.com? Her name is Tracy Broadhurst. And then there's the webmaster of www.justforcatholics.org. His name is Joe Mizzi (AND he's a former Catholic!).

Edited by Dave
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I just read the good news for you, about joining the knights of columbus. Congrats man. Im sure the Lord will use you even more so and having you do some amesome things.


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its down..it says its been banned, but I see no email address for them. before I email them I'll have to know what their about, obviously this site is an extremely, uh..something..not sure what..hehe

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