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If God Gave You A Sign...


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I'm not sure whether you mean "Would you belive in God?" or "would you belive that it was God givining you a sign?". So I'll answer both.

Would I belive that it was God giving me a sign?

Thats a tough question. I am skeptical by my nature. I guess it would depend upon the type of sign.

If it was a sign like I'm praying for something, then a song comes on the radio explaning what to do, I would tend to believe that regardless of wheather or not it was a sign from God, I should take the message to heart. What is a coincedence anyway? It amy have just been a random occurnace, but THe Holy Spirit brought its relevence to my attention.

If it was a sign like God comming before me in the form of a burning bush telling me to lead his people into the wilderness, Then it would get complicated. Most people woudl say thats an obvious sign. However, due to my family history of scitzophrenia, I would not really be able to trust my senses. I might need him to tell me something I could not possibly already know or suspect. I would need proof that it was him and not a part of my mind.

Would I belive in God?

I alreadly believe in God, but if it was really him in say a burning bush, and not a figment of my imagination ... It would probely give me a big kick in the pantaloons to kick my faith life into overdrive.

Did I cover your question?

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Well, not exactly.

You need to click on the link.

Click on the blue words, "would you?" in my first post.

Then, tell me what you think.


Pax Christi. <><

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Could you imagine being the priest or one of the people in the congregation? I agree with foundsheep. I think I would believe, but only after I came to about 2 hours later.

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Kilroy the Ninja

When one of my very very close friends was confirmed and received her first communion (she was a successful convert BECAUSE of DJ's so-called "harsh tactics"), she relayed to us that when she received the Eucharist for the very first time it felt and tasted like real human flesh (as in when you kiss someone on the hand or arm - she's married, she'd know). This strengthed her faith and committment (and ours and her husbands) immediately and completely.

When God gives me signs, I believe them.


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I've heard of this before. I would have to have seen it to be impressed. (and if it would have happened before my eyes I would have been stunned!!) Now it just kinda creeps me out.

I never knew what Eucharistic Adoration was untill I was in my 30's and was a lapsed Catholic (despite 12 years of Catholic education). I feel it's more miraculous the distinct feeling of God's presence during Eucharistic Adoration, whether alone, with a large group, or sometimes after receiveing communion. I often wonder how I could be so numb to sensing the Real Presence for all those years and how thankful I am for the miracle to feel Him now.

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  thedude said:
If God Himself sent me a sign, I believe I would now that it was legitimate.

What if He left a sign that could be scientifically verified and lasted without corrupting for 8 centuries??????????

A sign, not for just one person, but for any to see and believe...still existing after 800 years without decay. A Communion Host which scientists verify is human heart tissue.

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Yeah, the Miracle of Lanciano really impressed me when I was Protestant. I mean, it REALLY impressed me. Then I started asking questions like, why haven't I heard about any of this before?

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  marielapin said:
Yeah, the Miracle of Lanciano really impressed me when I was Protestant.  I mean, it REALLY impressed me.  Then I started asking questions like, why haven't I heard about any of this before?

and also the incorruptable saints. most ppl haven't heard of the miracles of the eucharist and so forth.

the ppl i tell are so amazed but ask why dosen't anybody know about this?

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Kilroy the Ninja

  marielapin said:
Yeah, the Miracle of Lanciano really impressed me when I was Protestant.  I mean, it REALLY impressed me.  Then I started asking questions like, why haven't I heard about any of this before?

You were protestant???????? :o:huh:

Well, now you're not!!! I had no idea. I'm sure it's on the board somewhere... my bad for not knowing.

Wow, well I am doubly doubly impressed. I feel soo, cradle Catholic now, like I know nothing...sniff......

Wow, you converts - so impressive!




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Truly, convert Catholics have sought and found Truth.

Many cradle Catholics don't even bother to learn why the Church teaches what She does.

I am glad, though, that God made me a cradle Catholic, as I'm afraid I wouldn't have had the brains to have sorted through all the prot errors out there... :(

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