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Update on my Vocation...


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I have prepared this announcment for you.

As you all are aware. I have been discerning a religious vocation. However, since I attended a retreat, I have been praying if God is really calling me to the priesthood. I had always thought, that in order to get to Heaven, and be Holy I then had to become a priest. But I now realize, that it was more my will than God’s will.

Throughout this year, of 2004, I have had the opportunity to meet all the Republican Candidates running on the Wisconsin Ballot. The highlights being the following:

President, George W. Bush
Vice-President, Richard Cheney
Republican US Senator Candidate, Tim Michels
Republican US Congressman, Mark Green

I do not find it mere coincidence, that I have accomplished this. I can work for the greater Glory of God, by defending life, by defending the sanctity of marriage, and establishing social justice in this world.

It is with my announcement on PM, that through more fervent prayer, I will truly find out if God is calling me to be a politician. All I ask is for your prayers during this time. God Bless You!

Eddie L.

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Also, as I begin babysitting, I realize the desire in having children. If i was to become a priest, I'd think I'd spend my whole life as a priest wishing I had children.

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Yes... there's no disappointment, rather I'm so happy to hear that you've found more clarity towards what God has planned for you... the only disappointment would be if you were walking away from God's will, rather than seeking it always!

May God bless you!

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its never a disappointment when your fulfilling God's will.

God doesn't close some doors without opening others.

we're proud of you on whatever path you choose!

i think your on the right path rev! im so glad you are doing so much and whatever you do your alwasy goign to be one awesome Catholic!

married, single or ordained, you'll make us proud!! ;) :cheer:

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Ed I'm not disappointed, because you're following what God's will is for you. God doesn't call everyone to the religious life, if he did... who would make the babies? :lol:

I'm still discerning between the priesthood and married life, so who knows?

God Bless man, now all you have to do is get into politics, law, and etc.

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