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[b]Celsius 41.11 DVD[/b]
Citizens United

If you are tired of hearing Michael Moore’s lies and propaganda . . . if you wouldn’t be caught dead at a screening of Fahrenheit 9/11 . . . if you want to know the truth about George W. Bush and John Kerry . . . here’s the DVD you’ve been waiting for!

Celsius 41.11 -- The Temperature at Which the Brain Begins to Die refutes the lies in Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11. This gripping documentary reveals the truth about 9/11, explores how George W. Bush has skillfully led our country during the War on Terror, and demonstrates how John Kerry is unfit to be President.

Celsius 41.11 corrects the record on the important misleading themes in Moore’s movie, including the 2000 Florida presidential vote, weapons of mass destruction, intelligence failures and the War on Terror. In addition, Celsius 41.11 documents Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry’s 20-year Senate record, from his flip-flopping on important issues to his intent on reducing funding for America’s military and intelligence community, even after the first terrorist attack on American soil. The film also covers the first term of President Bush, his record as a leader in the War on Terror, and the stark contrasts between the President and Senator Kerry.

Featuring former Senator and Law & Order star Fred Thompson, Charles Krauthammer, Fred Barnes, Michael Medved, Michael Barone, and Bill Sammon -- among other Washington veterans -- Celsius 41.11 counters the lies and deceptions of Fahrenheit 9/11 and provides a clear picture of John Kerry, and a clear warning about what a Kerry presidency could mean.

[url="http://humaneventsonline.com.edgesuite.net/celsius411.html"]Click Here to see the trailer[/url]

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Having the opportunity to view both films, Celsius 41.11 is a hastily ill-researched, poorly produced production that seems to want to cash in on the political op-ed docu-drama that are becoming popular with this year’s upcoming election. It does little to refute the most important aspects of Moore’s Farenheit 451 (for example the Patriot Act) and just seems like an attack on the character of Michael Moore rather than the issues he presented in his film. The focus of the film is about discrediting John Kerry then logically proving or disproving the information presented in Fahrenheit 9/11. There is another film yet to be released about this topic but I believe Celsius 41.11 arrives a little too late to change the opinions of those who have been won over by Michael Moore’s film.

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[quote name='carrdero' date='Oct 22 2004, 04:44 PM'] Having the opportunity to view both films, Celsius 41.11 is a hastily ill-researched, poorly produced production that seems to want to cash in on the political op-ed docu-drama that are becoming popular with this year’s upcoming election. It does little to refute the most important aspects of Moore’s Farenheit 451 (for example the Patriot Act) and just seems like an attack on the character of Michael Moore rather than the issues he presented in his film. The focus of the film is about discrediting John Kerry then logically proving or disproving the information presented in Fahrenheit 9/11. There is another film yet to be released about this topic but I believe Celsius 41.11 arrives a little too late to change the opinions of those who have been won over by Michael Moore’s film. [/quote]
Michael Moore's film is full of lies and half truths... just like the film he did on Columbine.

I haven't seen Celcius yet, but I seriously doubt that it could be as bad as Moores.

Moore is good at lying, people who believe such things without double checking are foolish. If there are that many geniuses in this country, then maybe we deserve a corrupt politician like kerry.

You would think that when people hear such outlandish accusations that a light would go off in their head to actually double check it... too many people in this country like to jump the gun with judging others because of gossip. People need to learn to think.

For one, why does the left have to lie so much about the right? <-- This alone should speak volumes, just as Jack Chick lies about the teachings of the Church, so does the left lie about the right.

God Bless,

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I did see 911 but did not see all of it. One thing that needs addressed (that may have been better by moore but not sure) is that Bush said there was a link between Al Quida and Iraq. He was saying more than just the ideological link of terrorism. I think a council that investigated said there was no link there just a couple days ago. People are angry with the timing of course. And thus the relusts too.

But look at Richard Clarke. The guy that got fired that's documented in Moore's movie. He said the President gave them all an ultimadum and told them to make a link. Thre might be more I understand. So I'm curious to see the othe rmovie. But someone's got to repsond to Bush's connection lie.

"At least when Clinton lied, no body died."

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='Oct 26 2004, 07:53 AM'] I did see 911 but did not see all of it. One thing that needs addressed (that may have been better by moore but not sure) is that Bush said there was a link between Al Quida and Iraq. He was saying more than just the ideological link of terrorism. I think a council that investigated said there was no link there just a couple days ago. People are angry with the timing of course. And thus the relusts too.

But look at Richard Clarke. The guy that got fired that's documented in Moore's movie. He said the President gave them all an ultimadum and told them to make a link. Thre might be more I understand. So I'm curious to see the othe rmovie. But someone's got to repsond to Bush's connection lie.

"At least when Clinton lied, no body died." [/quote]
Just because the investigation said that they did not [u][b]find[/b][/u] a link, does NOT mean that one did not exist.

It is a known fact that Saddam supported terrorists... I doubt that he wasn't supporting al-quida... he was paying the families of suicide bombers $10,000 to $25,000 for when their kids would blow themselves up and take innocent Jewish or American lives with them.

Saddam did that openly and the whole world knew, imagine what he did in secret.

You might want to look at this site:


It answers and corrects many of the lies in Moore's film.

God Bless,

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I just love how if the Left nitpicked Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh with half the effort invested in debasing Moore, there would be civil war. I don't love Moore, but it's pretty pathetic how much people hate him.

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Should check out Farenhype 911 - haven't watched it yet, but I've seen a booklet that comes with it - exposes lots of Moore's lies.

Snarf, people hate Moore because he's a liar, plain and simple. Perhaps he's a clever liar, but that doesn't keep him from being a liar. I'm going to get that booklet so I can start replying to some of this nonsense about Moore being this patriotic figure who wants the best for his country.

And yes, the left does (or at least did) put a lot of energy into bashing Limbaugh & co. They've just been less successful, since his statements are much more accurate than Moore's! Look at how much energy the Left puts into hating Bush, for crying out loud!
And if you really want to see hate, look how they went after Mel Gibson, whose movie had nothing to do with current politics!

This idea that lefties are about peace and love for everybody (unlike those nasty, hateful conservatives!) is the biggest load of carp! The rhetoric of the Left is by far more hateful than that of the right, if you actually compare the two. The (self-proclaimed "tolerant") Left does not tolerate anybody who disagrees with their dogmas!

It is impossible to have a civil debate with a liberal. If you disagree with them, you're automatically a fascist, a Nazi, a bigot, or just stupid, so therefore no argument is necessary! All they do is call names and avoid rational argument (which they are bound to lose!)

Edited by Socrates
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that film seems to deliver the same promises that farenheit did, just on the other side....

therefore im passing it off as mere propaganda

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